BOUNTY IS OVER. thanks to all for participating in our bounty, token distribution is also over. If you have any question, doubt or objection about bounty reward, feel free to write us in our bounty telegram group
Learn AQER in 1 minute – Introduction Video
Bounty campaign will run from20 February 2019 – 12:00 UTC to 28 March 2019 – 12:00 UTCBounty allocationBounty participant can take part in one or more of these five bounty campaign:
Youtube Campaign 40% of bounty pool - 800.000 AQER
Instagram Campaign 40% of bounty pool - 800.000 AQER
Content creation (blog/website) Campaign 10% of bounty pool - 200.000 AQER
Facebook 5% of bounty pool – 100.000 AQER
Twitter 5% of bounty pool – 100.000 AQER
AQER launches an official bounty campaign.
We invite every influencer or contents creator to join our platform and help us grow a strong community.Bounty pool: 2.000.000 AQER tokens
Tokens will be distributed to participant’s wallet within two weeks after the end of the bounty campaign.
General conditions/rules for all programs1. You must register an account
here (as vlogger, not brand) and submit a valid eth address in order to participate in any of the below bounty campaign. If you register an account and reach at least rank 2 in our platform you earn 30 AQER token through airdrop.
2. submit a valid eth address*
here ![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ibb.co%2F6JvKybJ%2Fwallet-address.png&t=621&c=tuj0g7DAgrh3dA)
*you need to use an ETH wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens. Don’t use ETH exchange wallet address.
Link to suitable wallets3. Mentioning bounty is not allowed in any channel.
4. To prevent fraud and theft, the wallet address provided during signup cannot be changed for any reason. You are required to keep access to the wallet that was specified at registration, you will not be able to change it at token distribution.
5. Multi-accounts, spam, bots are not allowed. We reserve the right to remove from any campaign user spamming, cheating or using multi-accounts.
6. Any kind of offensive or inadequate behavior when promoting AQER will result in immediate disqualification from the Bounty Campaign.
7. A maximum amount of 1000 AQER tokens may be allocated to a single individual.
8. For all updates, keep an eye on this topic.
9. For all questions and doubt regarding bounty campaign, please ask
Here ![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ibb.co%2F2vy5nZQ%2Fjoin-bounty-telegram-group-Asset-27-100.jpg&t=621&c=y2pX7pONR4wrfQ)
10. We reserve the right to stop registration if a certain number of participants is reached.
For performing certain actions you will get stakes. The stakes are assigned during the week following the delivery of each report form. After the end of the bounty campaign, the stakes will be converted into tokens, according to formula:
(total number of tokens allocated in specific campaign/total number of stakes in specific campaign)*number of your stakes
Youtube40% of bounty pool – 800.000 AQER tokens
RULES:1. Follow us on
Youtube 2. You must register an account
here (as vlogger, not brand) and submit a valid eth address in order to participate.
3. For each video created the participant must fill up this form:
Fill the form to join4. Participant Youtube channel must have at least 300 followers, and must have been created before 3 October 2018
5. Videos must be quality acceptable
6. video must have 100 views minimum (during bounty campaign)
7. Video must contain only unique content, publicly accessible and duration must be longer max 3 minutes.
8. Copying other videos content is not allowed. (You can use official images, logos, graphics posted in website, ANN thread, Medium, Facebook, and Twitter).
9. Videos must be relevant to the Project, Whitepaper, Innovative solutions.
10. Videos with fake views will not be paid.
11. Videos must have 2 links to the official project, in description (Platform,Website, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, ANN thread.)
12. Max 3 videos per account
REWARD:Videos will be rewarded according to their content quality (decided by AQER team after review, based on youtube statistics and socialblade)
Reward:Rejected = 0 stakes
Basic = 10 stakes
Medium = 30 stakes
Extraordinary = 60 stakes
SpreadsheetsHere (will be updated on 30/03)
Instagram40% of bounty pool – 800.000 AQER tokens
RULES:1. Follow us on
2. You must register an account
here (as vlogger, not brand) and submit a valid eth address in order to participate.
3. For each post created the participant must fill up this form:
Fill the form to join4. Participant account must have at least 300 follower on instagram. Instagram account must be public, original and active.
5. Post must have these hashtag: #AQER #Influencerplatform #Contentsmarketplace
6. Post must have the tag: @aqer_company
7. Posts have to be spaced at least 1 hour. Anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the bounty campaign
8. Post must contain only unique content, publicly accessible. Copying other contents is not allowed.
9. Post must be relevant to the Project, Whitepaper, Innovative solutions.
10. Post with fake views and like will not be paid.
11. Minimum 1 post per week
12. Max 3 post per week
13. Accounts with fake friends/followers will be disqualified
14. Only one Instagram account per person is allowed.
15. you must make new report every week (section below, Weekly Reports form will be posted on this thread every end of the week)
16 will be updated on 10/03
REWARD:Instagram post will be rewarded according to their content quality (decided by AQER team after review):
Reward:Rejected = 0 stakes
Basic = 10 stakes
Medium = 30 stakes
Extraordinary = 60 stakes
Weekly reportEvery week participants have to prepare a weekly activity report of presumed valid posts and fill UP this
Week 1 (20.02-26.02)
Week 2 (26.02-04.03)
Week 3 (04.03-10.03)
Week 4 (10.03-16.03)
Week 5 (16.03-22.03)
Week 6 (22.03-28.03)not reporting within the next week leads to renouncing the prize for that week.
SpreadsheetsHere (will be updated on 30/03)What is the meaning of links 1xRow
Facebook5% of bounty pool – 100.000 AQER tokens
RULES:1. Follow us on
Facebook and put “like” and “share” to our posts, we will post all news, insights and updates of AQER Platform.
2. You must register an account
here (as vlogger, not brand) and submit a valid eth address in order to participate.
3. In order to be admitted to this specific Bounty program, participant must fill up this form:
Fill the form to join4. Participant Facebook account must have at least 200 friends. Facebook account must be Public, original and active.
5. Like our Facebook page for stakes to count.
6. Minimum 1 official share post per week is required
7. Share and likes have to stay public until the end of the Bounty campaign
8. Limit: maximum 2 shares post per day (so maximum weekly = 14)
9. Shares have to be spaced at least 1 hour. Anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the bounty campaign
10. shares must have a link to the
AQER website or
Telegram Group and this hashtags: #AQER #Influencerplatform #Contentsmarketplace , and this tag: @AQERofficial You must include these in your shares, otherwise they won’t be counted
11. you must make new report every week (section below, Weekly Reports will be posted on this thread every end of the week)
Facebook reward:1 stake per Share
Weekly reportEvery week participants have to prepare a weekly activity report of presumed valid posts and fill UP this
Week 1 (20.02-26.02)
Week 2 (26.02-04.03)
Week 3 (04.03-10.03)
Week 4 (10.03-16.03)
Week 5 (16.03-22.03)
Week 6 (22.03-28.03) not reporting within the next week leads to renouncing the prize for that week.
SpreadsheetsHere (will be updated on 30/03)What is the meaning of links 1xRow![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ibb.co%2Fr7hFtJL%2F1xRow.png&t=621&c=sEYwwpbdNmT7eQ)
Twitter5% of bounty pool – 100.000 AQER tokens
RULES:1. Follow us on
Twitter and retweet our news to your friends and followers, we will post all news, insights and updates of AQER Platform.
2. You must register an account
here (as vlogger, not brand) and submit a valid eth address in order to participate.
3. In order to be admitted to this specific Bounty program, participant must fill up this form:
Fill the form to join4. Participant Twitter account must have at least 200 Followers and must be original and active. Only one Twitter account per person is allowed.
5. Recent Twitter audit should be more than 90% of real followers, most of them have to be people interested in cryptocurrency.
Twitter Audit6. Minimum 1 Retweet per week of official AQER tweets is required.
7. Retweet have to stay public until the end of the Bounty campaign.
8. Limit: maximum 2 retweet per day (so maximum weekly = 14)
9. Tweets have to be spaced at least 1 hour. Anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the bounty campaign
10. Retweet must have a link to the
AQER website or
Telegram Group and this hashtags: #AQER #Influencerplatform #Contentsmarketplace , and this tag: @AQERofficial You must include these in your retweet, otherwise they won’t be counted
11. you must make new report every week (section below, Weekly Reports form will be posted on this thread every end of the week)
REWARD:1 stake per retweet
Weekly reportEvery week participants have to prepare a weekly activity report of presumed valid posts and fill UP this
Week 1 (20.02-26.02)
Week 2 (26.02-04.03)
Week 3 (04.03-10.03)
Week 4 (10.03-16.03)
Week 5 (16.03-22.03)
Week 6 (22.03-28.03)not reporting within the next week leads to renouncing the prize for that week.
SpreadsheetsHere (will be updated on 30/03)What is the meaning of links 1xRow
Pay AttentionAll fake Twitter accounts and bots user will be identified by using 3rd party services. Multi-accounts, spam, bots are not allowed. We reserve the right to remove from any campaign user spamming, cheating or using multi-accounts
BLOG10% of total bounty pool – 200.000 AQER tokens
RULES:1. follow us on
Medium2. You must register an account
here (as vlogger, not brand) and submit a valid eth address in order to participate.
3. For each content created the participant must fill up this form (evaluation will happen at the end of the bounty campaign):
Fill the form to join4. Articles and blogs must be quality acceptable, and must be focused on a relevant topic about AQER
5. Article must be in English, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, French, Japanese and Italian languages or any language for blogs/forum/website with 1000+ followers/visitors, contain only unique content, publicly accessible, no automated translation allowed. Do not spam or create other thread on Bitcoin talk.
6. Copying other publication content is not allowed. Copy content will result in ban (You can use official images, logos, graphics posted in website, ANN thread, Facebook, and Twitter).
7. Articles must be longer than 700 words. Articles below 700 words will not be accepted.
8. Articles must have 2 links to the official project (Website, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, ANN thread.)
9. The SAME or VERY SIMILAR article posted to different platforms will not generate full amount of stakes of its quality, only the 1st one would generate full amount of stakes and the 2nd and 3rd ones would only generate HALF of the stakes of its quality.
10. Max content creation per participant = 5
REWARD:Articles and blog posts will be rewarded according to their content quality (decided by AQER team after review):
Reward:Rejected = 0 stakes
Basic = 10 stakes
Medium = 30 stakes
Extraordinary = 60 stakes
SpreadsheetsHere (will be updated on 30/03)