Bounty Allocation:- Twitter Bounty 20% |200 000 AWC|
- Content Bounty 15% |150 000 AWC|
- Facebook Bounty 10% |100 000 AWC|
- Reddit Bounty 3% |30 000 AWC|
- Medium Bounty 2% |20 000 AWC|
- Translation Bounty 5% |50 000 AWC|
- Bug Bounty 20% |200 000 AWC|
Twitter Campaign
200 000 AWC
- Join our official chat in Telegram and make a Proof of authentication in this thread with text:
#Proof of authentication
Bitcointalk Username:
Telegram Username: - All participants must follow our official Twitter account
- Fill in the Google form: http://[Suspicious link removed]/Bounty_Atomic
- Your Twitteraudit score must be more than 80%.
- We will check every participant to make sure their Twitter account is genuine.
- Your Twitter account must be mainly about cryptocurrencies, technologies or investments. We will also accept media personalities.
- You should have at least 100 real followers.
- You should report at least 3 Retweets and Likes per week.
- Everyone has to report their Retweets and Likes in this thread no later than every Sunday 23:59 GMT
Rewards (per week):- (Double stakes if you have more than 10 000 followers)
- You will get 1 stake if you have less than 5000 followers
- You will get 2 stakes if you have more than 5000 friends
Facebook Campaign
100 000 AWC
- Join our official chat in Telegram and make a Proof of authentication in this thread with text:
#Proof of authentication
Bitcointalk Username:
Telegram Username: - Fill in the Google form: http://[Suspicious link removed]/Bounty_Atomic
- Every participant must be subscribed to our official Facebook page
- Your Facebook account must be real. We do not accept fake accounts.
- You should have at least 100 real subscribers/friends. Don’t forget to
- You should make at least 3 likes and shares per week, but not in one day.
- Your likes & shares should be public.
- Everyone has to report their activities in this thread no later than every Sunday 23:59 GMT.
Rewards (per week):- You will get 1 stake if you have less than 1000 friends
- You will get 2 stakes if you have more than 1000 friends
Content Campaign
150 000 AWC
- Join our official chat in Telegram and make a Proof of authentication in this thread with text:
#Proof of authentication
Bitcointalk Username:
Telegram Username: - Fill in the Google form: http://[Suspicious link removed]/Bounty_Atomic
- For platforms like Steemit and YouTube the number of followers must be higher than 100.
- YouTube videos should be descriptive and at least 2 minutes long.
- Reward for content views on websites and blogs where the number of views is not transparent will be calculated as 5 stakes (Blogspot, Wordpress, Medium etc.)
- At the end of the campaign you will be able to get 1-3-5-7-10 stake(s) according to article quality, 1-3-5-7-10 stake(s) depending on the number of visitors/views; 2-6-10-14-20 stake(s) in total.
- Articles/videos etc. will be evaluated according to the number of views and visitors. In terms of quality, publications that are at a higher level than others can be additionally rewarded with 1 to 10 stakes.
Rewards:- 0-10 views | 0 stake
- 11-50 views | 1 stake
- 51-150 views | 3 stakes
- 151-250 views | 5 stakes
- 251-500 views | 7 stakes
- >501 views | 10 stakes
Reddit Campaign
30 000 AWC
Rewards:- 20 - 100 karma | 0,5 stakes per week
- 100 - 500 karma | 1,5 stakes per week
- 500 - 3000 karma | 3 stakes per week
- 3000 karma | 5 stakes per week
The example of a reddit campaign report:
Reddit user name: * your reddit account name*
Karma: * the number of your karma *
Week: * a particular week number *
* links to your comments *
Medium Campaign
20 000 AWC
- Join our official chat in Telegram and make a Proof of authentication in this thread with text:
#Proof of authentication
Bitcointalk Username:
Telegram Username: - Fill in the Google form: http://[Suspicious link removed]/Bounty_Atomic
- Subscribe to our Medium blog
- Clap 5 times for each post
Reward: 1 stake for each post with your claps
Bug reports Campaign
200 000 AWC
Atomic Wallet team is looking for bug reports clearly and concisely identifying problematic issues with the cryptocurrency software or platform.
Bug and Vulnerability Bounty campaign starts on June 8, 2018 and will continue until we announce its completion.
1. Install Atomic Wallet and request for the Airdrop
2. Find a bug or vulnerability
3. Report on vulnerability to the support service. Please highlight the subject of the message:
- "Vulnerability" - if the error can lead to financial risks
- "Bug" - if the error does not incur any financial risks for the user
4. Highlight the following in your request:
- The email address registered in Atomic Wallet Airdrop program
- Clear and concise steps that can be reproduced
- Collect and attach any relevant logs
- Reproducible test case if applicable
- Screenshots or a video showing the issue
- The version of the Operating system
- The version of the Atomic Wallet
5. Do not disclose information about the vulnerability or bug until it is removed
6. Wait for the release with a fixed vulnerability/bug
7. Get a reward, the tokens will be sent to the ETH address of your Atomic Wallet
Please note:Do not perform any attack that could harm the reliability/integrity of our services or data. DDoS/spam attacks are not allowed.
Do not publicly disclose a bug before it has been fixed.
Do not impact other users with your testing
Never attempt non-technical attacks such as social engineering, phishing, or physical attacks against our employees, users, or infrastructure.
The following doesn't qualify for a reward:
Bugs requiring exceedingly abnormal user interaction.
Disclosure of public information and information that does not present a significant risk.
Bugs that have already been submitted by other users, those we are already aware of, or which have been classified as ineligible.
Bugs in content/services that are not owned/operated by Atomic Wallet.
Scripting or other automation and brute forcing of intended functionality.
Rewards:Rewards will depend on the bugs discovered and will be calculated individually for each participant.
The maximum reward is 3500 AWC tokens (about $1000)
Translation Campaign
200 000 AWC
We are interested in translations to the following languages: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, German, Spanish,
Portuguese, French, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Turkish, Vietnamese, Bengali.- Join our official chat in Telegram and make a Proof of authentication in this thread with text:
#Proof of authentication
Bitcointalk Username:
Telegram Username: - Fill in the Google form: hhttp://[Suspicious link removed]/Bounty_Atomic
- Install Atomic Wallet and request for the Airdrop
- Fill in the application form: http://[Suspicious link removed]/AtomicTranslation
- In the application, please indicate the language and what you want to translate:
a. Translation of the UI Atomic Wallet
b. Translation of the official site
c. Translation of White Paper
d. Translation of One Pager
5. A translation will be reserved for you:
a. Translation of UI Atomic Wallet - 4 days
b. Translation of the official site - 4 days
C. Translation of One Pager (one of them) - 4 days
D. White Paper Translation - 8 days
6. Submit the translated version:
http://[Suspicious link removed]/Completed_Translations7. Wait for the results of the translation verification
8. Get a reward, the tokens will be sent to the ETH address of your Atomic Wallet
Please note:Texts translated with automated translation tools will be rejected.
We cancel the reservation and transfer it to another participant if after the end of the reserved period the translation is not produced.
Rewards:- Translation of UI Atomic Wallet - 1100 AWC tokens (about $330)
- Translation of the official site - 1100 AWC tokens (about $330)
- Translation of One Pager (one of them)- 1100 AWC tokens (about $330)
- White Paper Translation - 3000 AWC tokens (about $900)