Konkrete is releasing its official bounty campaign in order to reward supporters with KKT tokens. 200 000 KKT tokens will be allocated to the campaign, equating to a value of $200,000 AUD ($142,295 USD). The rules for the campaign will be as follows:
1. Konkrete reserve the right to change the conditions of the campaign
2. Konkrete reserve the right to limit the amount of participants in the campaign
3. Konkrete reserve the right to remove/ban participants at their discretion
4. The Konkrete Team will decide which participants qualify for selection
5. Successful participants will be rewarded into their Konkrete wallet 2 months after the initial token release
6. Tokens for the bounty will be distributed on a stake reward basis
7. Konkrete hold the ability to adjust campaign budget depending on the amount of participants in each campaign
8. Each participant can register for the bounty program only ONCE or else face disqualification.
9. Bounty campaign members who use unfair methods, post spam, use fake accounts or otherwise forge their participation will receive no rewards
10. All participants must join our Discord chat
here11. Any queries can be sent to our Discord Bounty-Campaign channel
12. To collect token reward, participants must complete a KYC on Konkrete’s platform
Sign up to Konkrete’s Platform HERE and complete your KYC to receive $100 KKT free from us to get you started. At time of public release, 1 KKT will sell for $1AUD. We are therefore rewarding $200,000 AUD for the campaign. Budget allocation for each platform targeted during this campaign will be:
Reddit: 15% $30,000
Bitcointalk.org: 30% $60,000
Youtube: 40% $80,000
Follower Campaign: 15% $30,000
Twitter Discord Medium Facebook
Bounty Timeline
The Konkrete Bounty will run for 10 weeks, up until the end of December. Rewards will be recorded on a weekly basis. The timeline will be as follows:
Week 1: 21/10/2018 - 27/10/2018
Week 2: 28/10/2018 - 3/11/2018
Week 3: 4/11/2018 - 10/11/2018
Week 4: 11/11/2018 - 17/11/2018
Week 5: 18/11/2018 - 24/11/2018
Week 6: 25/11/2018 - 1/12/2018
Week 7: 2/12/2018 - 8/12/2018
Week 8: 9/12/2018 - 15/12/2018
Week 9: 16/12/2018 - 22/12/2018
Week 10: 23/12/2018 - 29/12/2018
Participant SelectionWe will be limiting participants in this campaign to 5 contributors.
Participants will be selected on their account credibility and ability
Accounts must have a minimum account age of 90 days and 1000 post karma
If you wish to apply for our Reddit Campaign, apply via our form
/forms/F6B4ZMbOKTB7Iew23]hereParticipants must join our Konkrete Discord Server
hereIf successful, participants will be contacted on our Discord Server and be assigned with the “Reddit Contributor” role
Because we are selecting fewer participants for this campaign, we are expecting a high level of contribution. We want our participants to generate high quality discussion around Konkrete’s themes such as property development, investment in property, and security tokens.
Contributors should post 5 times per week on both Konkrete’s subreddit (r/Konkrete) and other cryptocurrency or property subreddits, a suggestions list has been provided below.
Posts should be on the topics of property development and blockchain, property investment and blockchain and security tokens.
It is expected that Konkrete’s own staff will be replying to these posts on Reddit, and as such, any posts should be reported in the Discord Bounty-Campaign Channel immediately after posting with the following format:
Reddit Post: [Title of Post]
Reddit Username: [Username]
Subreddit: [Subreddit]
Link: [Link to Post]
Stake Allocation
Each post and comment must be made by one account only.
Write a reddit post about Konkrete 3 stakes for post
Write a reddit comment 1 stake for comment
For reward:
Must follow our subreddit:
r/KonkreteMust upvote posts from our page
Must make at least 5 posts and 5 comments per week
Sign up to our Reddit campaign by filling in the following form
/forms/Cx1aOjdVMTJUkrjy1]hereKeep track of your reward progress
hereAll activity must be posted in the Discord Bounty-Campaign Channel weekly with the following format:
Reddit profile:
[Date] Reddit post 1: [Link]
[Date] Reddit post 2: [Link]
[Date] Reddit post 3: [Link]
[Date] Reddit comment 1: [Link]
[Date] Reddit comment 2: [Link]
[Date] Reddit comment 3: [Link]
Suggested Subreddits
r/Cryptocurrency r/EthTrader r/Futurology r/Investing r/AusFinance r/Australia r/Ausproperty r/AustralianRealEstate r/RealEstateInvesting r/PersonalFinance r/Openfinance r/PolymathNetwork

Rules:All videos must be made in english
Channels must have a minimum of 1000 subscribers and 100 videos made
Videos must be at least 2 minutes long and contain the word “Konkrete” in the title
Videos must contain the following in the video description:
Videos will be judged on the video production quality and stakes awarded accordingly, this judgement is to the discretion of Konkrete’s verifying team. The stated prices below are a guide.
Videos must receive a total of 1000 views in order to receive reward
Videos must be well thought out and have original opinions on Konkrete, it’s uses and the tokenized securities/real estate space.
For reward:We have a maximum of 1 video per week per user.
High quality video:
10 StakesMedium quality video:
3 StakesLow quality video:
1 StakesVerificationSign up to our YouTube campaign by filling in the following form
/forms/gdw3uGkDS1Bfd9xo2]hereKeep track of your reward progress
hereAll activity must be posted in the Bitcointalk forum weekly with the following format:
YouTube Channel: [Link]
Number of subscribers:
[Date] Link to YouTube video: [Link]

RulesEDIT: We have updated our rules, posts do NOT have to be related to Konkrete project, the signature must simply be wornThe Konkrete Signatures must be worn at all times during the campaign
We expect you to post 5 constructive and thoughtful posts per week of a minimum 50 characters, no spamming!
Posts are suggested to be spread throughout the week, not just on one day
Repeated or duplicate posts will result in a week’s forfeit of reward
All posts will be checked individually, sub-par efforts with posts will result in a week’s forfeit. This will be at the discretion of our verifiers.
For RewardPost or comment 5 times throughout the week with the Konkrete Signature assigned.
EDIT: We have updated our rules, only Full Members and above will be able to participate in the Signature CampaignJr Member: 2 Stakes/Week
Member: 4 Stakes/WeekFull Member:
10 Stakes/Week
Sr Member:
20 Stakes/Week
Hero and Legendary:
30 Stakes/Week
BonusAs an added incentive, participants have the option to insert a personalised Konkrete referral link into their BitcoinTalk signature, directing new visitors to sign up their KYC.
Successful Referral:
$150 KKT Tokens EACHOnly
Sr Members and above will be able to insert the link into their signature. Other users are encouraged to message their own referral link to other interested investors or include it in their own posts on BitcoinTalk.
Instructions1. Visit
Konkrete's Platform and register your account
2. Complete your KYC to receive your first batch of free tokens
3. Visit your profile under "My Account"
4. Copy your personalised Konkrete referral link under "Earn KONKRETE tokens"
5. Paste your link into your Bonus Sr Member or Hero & Legendary Signature here to replace the highlighted url:

6. Start commenting and posting!
VerificationSign up to our BitcoinTalk campaign by filling in the following form
/forms/G2JNThQ8V043g4oI2]hereKeep track of your reward progress
hereAll activity must be posted in the Bitcointalk forum weekly with the following format:
Bitcointalk Username:
Row # in reward progress form:
Activity for the week:
[Date] [Link]
[Date] [Link]
SignaturesJr Member