1. All bounty participant must join our
Telegram2. Bounty campaign will run for 4 weeks
3. You must report within 24 hours from week ended. Report by clicking on reply. Do not give report by quote or edit.
4. If you can’t report a week mean you will not be eligible for that week.
5. Stakes will be given before ending the next week. And coin will be paid within 15 days after bounty completion.
6. Multiple account strictly prohibited. Do not use multiple account or farm account.
7. We have right to disqualify any participant without any notice if we see unusual activity (cheating, spamming etc)
8. Proof of Authentication
Stakes given complete for week 1 (Facebook and twitter) which was reported by 5-7 june.
2nd week report should be given by 12-14 June.
Facebook Campaign: 10%
You must like our
Facebook Page.
You must have at least 200 friends to join this campaign.
For more than 1000 friends you will receive 50% additional Stakes.
Minimum 2 shares and maximum 5 shares per week. No more than 1 share per day. If we see more than 1 share per day than we will not count that. 2 Stake per share.
You are not allowed to share more than 5 days old post..
Join Facebook Campaign
Check your status
Twitter Campaign: 20%
You must Follow our
Twitter Page.
You must have at least 200 real follower to join this campaign.
For more than 1000 Followers you will receive 50% additional Stakes.
Minimum 3 retweets and maximum 5 retweets per week. No more than 1 Retweet per day. If we see more than 1 retweet per day than we will not count that. 2 Stake per retweet.
You are not allowed to share more than 5 days old post.
Twitter audit score should be minimum 85%
Join Twitter Campaign
Check your status
Discord Campaign: 8%
1. You must join our
Discord Channel.2. You must stay here until bounty ended and stakes calculated.
3. To join on discord channel you will get 5 stakes.
4. If you invite more than 5 people and they join as well as stay on our discord server you will get 1 stakes per invite acceptation.
5. Active users will receive additional 5 stakes per week.
Join Discord Campaign
Here.Check your status
Here.Reddit Campaign: 7%
You must Join our
Reddit Subreddit.You must create comment on our post as well as give upvote.
Minimum 1 comment and 1 post per week. On comment you must receive 5 upvote and on post you must receive 8 upvotes otherwise comment or post will not be qualified. Maximum 5 post/comment per week.
5 stakes per post and 3 stakes per comment.
Post should be on crypto related subreddit as well as Lobstex subreddit.
Never spam on any subreddit, spam strictly prohibited
Join Reddit Campaign
Here.Check your status
Telegram Campaign: 10%
You must join our
Telegram GroupYou must stay on our chanel until campaign end.
By joining on our channel you will receive 1 stakes and active users will receive 3 stakes per week
Spamming, advertising and using bad words in the group is strictly prohibited.
Join Telegram Campaign
Here.Check your status
Here.Articles/Content Campaign: 15%
Stakes will base to its quality.
* High Quality = 20 stakes
* Good Quality = 12 stakes
* Normal Quality = 7 stakes
1. Blog should have at least 200 words and topics should be relevant LOBSTEX to be approved.
2. The content of the blog should be unique/original to be approved.
3. Posting in wrong section, deleted post by moderators and spamming is strictly prohibited and will not be accepted.
4. Each participant is allowed to create/submit a maximum of 8 unique publications.
5. Reposting unique publications to another platform will earn you additional 50% stakes. (Only 1 repost per article is allowed).
6. Submit your publications
Here7. Check your status
HereVideo Campaign: 20%
1. State you name, nationality and field of work.
2. Say something about how LOBSTEX is helping the LOBSTEX community. Videos should be relevant and related to LOBSTEX (Team, white paper, Airdrop, roadmap, and etc.) to be approved
3. Share this video on your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram account
4. Selected videos might be posted on the LOBSTEX website.
5. We will collect a maximum of 30 videos
6. Submit your publications
Here7. Check your status