Minimum 4 Reposts per week + Minimum 1 self post per week , ONLY ONE POST or REPOST PER DAY , so that means you must repost minimum 4 shares from daneel FB page or twitter page and one self made post every week, but you can only post one post per day. No more than that. and also you'll see on the instructions that you have to use certain hashtags (#) when posting, Remember to use them too when you post your own tweet or Facebook post.
Bitcointalk username: Xanxus024
Forum rank: Posts count: 263 including this post
ETH address: 0xFAE0E7a7010B8094738Aa30Dc40CC365b012BCBD
I want to join in this campaign and I'm ready for week 4, let me know if I'm accepted Thanks.
You can check that from the spreadsheet, Here's the link -