Hero AND Legendary:
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[td][td][font=ARIAL BLACK][color=#ff5e13][u]N O D V I X [/u]
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[td][size=6pt][font=ARIAL]Decentralized P2P
broadcasting and
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content management
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[td][size=6pt][font=ARIAL]An honest division
of income to video
content creators[/td]
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[td][size=6pt][font=ARIAL]A vast selection of
TV channels with
globally created content[/td]
[size=5pt] [font=ARIAL BLACK][glow=#282828,2][color=#ffd475] [color=#fff]N O D V I X I S A[/color] SELF-REGULATING [color=#fff]V I D E O C O N T E N T P L A T F O R M[/color] THIS IS RESISTANT TO BIAS AND CENSORSHIP WITH ITS OWN INTERNAL ECONOMY [/td]
[td][b][glow=#ec2c24,2,300][color=transparent].BUY TOKENS.
[color=#fff][color=transparent].[/color][url=nodvix.com]BUY TOKENS[/url] [/color]
[color=transparent].BUY TOKENS[/color].[/td][/center][/quote]
Register for the Signature and Avatar Bounty:
Participants and accrual of stakes:
Bounty Budget: 16%
Languages that we are looking for in particular:
Terms and conditions:- Translations must be original and professional, those using online translators such as "google translate" will be disqualified.
- Translated ANN threads should be monitored — i.e. users’ inquiries should be addressed and all posts published by our bounty campaign manager on the official bounty thread should also be translated, these will occur at least once a week.
- Following a request for a translation, the translation should be completed in 5 days.
- Fill out the registration form below and wait for the approval of your application before beginning translation.
Reward:2 stakes: Translation of Website
1 stake: Translation of ANN Bounty
3 stakes: Translation of Whitepaper
1 stake: For every 5 pages of ANN translated.
Current maximum for translating - 30 pages. (Limitation introduced to prevent spam)
BONUS: 2 additional stakes for translators who change their signature to the signature of NODVIX from the date of translation and do not change it until the end of the ICO.
Materials requiring Translation and Moderation:Website
ANN Bounty
ANN Thread and ModerationRegister for the Translation Bounty:
Participants and accrual of stakes:
Bounty Budget: 5%
Terms and conditions:
- Subscribe, follow and friend our social media networks: Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, Medium, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, Steemit and Golos
- The more the networks you subscribe, follow or friend the greater the reward.
- Like, clap, upvote, retweet, share and comment on any messages and articles we produce throughout the duration of the bounty.
Subscription in 1-3 social networks = 1 stake
Subscription to 4-6 social networks = 2 stakes
Subscription to 7+ social networks = 3 stakes
Register for the Social Media Bounty:
Participants and accrual of stakes:
Bounty Budget: 13%
Terms and conditions:
- Each participant can create up to 2 articles and 2 videos each month, and publish only once per week. You can publish a review, a medium article, a YouTube video etc.
- Articles must contain at least 300 words and any video duration should be at least 1 minute. Articles and videos should contain links to the official website and the corresponding NODVIX profile. An article on Medium should have a link to NODVIX Medium. YouTube videos should contain a link to NODVIX on YouTube.
- Content must be original. Images and quotes from official sources are allowed.
- Substandard, poorly translated articles without proper editing may be disqualified.
- Participants are not allowed to copy the contents of articles and videos of other campaign participants.
- Articles posted on blogs and sites where hashtags are possible should contain a #NODVIX tag and 2 tags from the following: #bitcoin, #ethereum, #blockchain, #exchange, #dex, #crypto, #cryptocurrency
- Articles are encouraged on mainstream sites, blogs, platforms: Medium, Google+, LinkedIn.
- We also welcome content on SteemIt, Golos, and other platforms connected with crypto-currencies.
- Articles, blogs and videos in English, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Japanese and Italian are allowed. Other languages will be considered. Please contact us if you wish to participate in another language.
We understand that creating content requires a lot of time, which is why this pool is so significant.
Reward:Original quality grading scale:
Basic: 0-5 Stake (may be denied if extremely poor)
Good: 6-20 Stakes
Great: 21-50 Stakes
Extraordinary: 51-100 Stakes
Quality is based on the number of errors, reach of content, length, quality of information, number of links to NODVIX website, whitepaper, etc, and overall original thought. If you copy/paste from the website and/or the whitepaper, that will put you in a lower reward tier.
Register for the Content Creation Bounty:
Participants and accrual of stakes:
Bounty Budget: 17%
Do you have a unique offer? Contact us!
We welcome new ideas and opportunities, rewarding those who help NODVIX grow and develop. Some examples of what you could be doing:
- Running a social network group for NODVIX in your native language
- Sponsored partnership between NODVIX and your YouTube channel
- Emailing NODVIX promotional information to your contact database
- Placing NODVIX banners or information on your website
- An experienced graphic or video designer looking to create content high quality NODVIX media
BugsIf you find a bug, vulnerability or error within the website, smart contract, whitepaper or other media please fill out the form below. It will be rewarded according to the degree of seriousness.
Reward:Stakes will be granted on a case by case basis due to the wide range of potential responses.
Register for the Bug and Other Bounties:
Participants and accrual of stakes:
Contest Bounty: 1% Pre-ICO and 1% ICO Do you have a unique offer? Contact us!
WELCOME TO NODVIX!We reserve the right to adjust the conditions of the bounty during the period of its holding. For all updates, keep an eye on this topic.