perhaps opencart has had an update or something?
My extension is currently unmaintained due to lack of interest from users. I haven't tested it with latest OpenCart, but I'm going to do it as time permits.
is this thread still alive to try and help me debug the issues?
Sort of. You can also send me a PM or email.
Yurock I seemed to even just have errors pop up on trying to install the latest version of ur code... on installing bitcoin as payment method... just goes to white screen... can refresh the site and it looks to have installed anyway...
Notice: Error: Table 'opencart2btc.oc_bitcoind_bill' doesn't exist
Error No: 1146
Error in: C:\_websites\YourikBTCOpencartPlugin\admin\model\payment\bitcoind.php line 67
SELECT order_id,total,status,deadline,sent,payment_address,refund_address,IF(deadline,TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,NOW(),deadline),NULL)AS time_left FROM oc_bitcoind_bill LIMIT 0,20 in C:\_websites\YourikBTCOpencartPlugin\system\database\mysql.php on line 54
During installation, the extension needs to create a table in the database. It seems like this step failed. Maybe the MySQL user account of OpenCart does not have the needed permission. If this is the case:
- uninstall the extension;
- grant CREATE privilege to the OpenCart database user on the OpenCart database;
- install the extension again;
- optionally revoke the CREATE privilege.
Alternatively, you can create the table manually:
CREATE TABLE`oc_bitcoind_bill`(`order_id`INT NOT NULL,`total`DECIMAL(16,8)NOT NULL,`status`ENUM('wait', 'timeout','receive','reverse','confirm','complete','cancel')COLLATE ascii_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT'wait',`deadline`DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT'0000-00-00 00:00:00',`sen
t`DECIMAL(16,8)NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`payment_address`CHAR(34)COLLATE ascii_bin NOT NULL,`refund_address`CHAR(34)COLLATE ascii_bin NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(`order_id`),UNIQUE KEY(`payment_address`),INDEX(`status`));
but no currency added to the DB
It is not supposed to add the currency automatically. You need to add it manually and specify it in the extension settings. Also note that if you specify prices in another currency, you'll need to update BTC rate somehow.
otherwise nice code and simple plugin
That's not about my extension.