Cryptocurrency is the currency of the future and we believe that we can utilize it to help developers and incentivize gamers around the world. PlayBunk will generate a new cryptocurrency token to support our service and fund our initial operations, which includes Development, Marketing, Business Development, and Strategic Partnerships.
Our bounty program aims to increase awareness of the PlayBunk platform to the community and its benefits to as many people as possible.
Through the bounty program, participants can help us spread the word about our platform and get generously rewarded for it.
How to earn coins via our Bounty ProgramIn the PlayBunk token sale, there will be 888,000,000 BUNK tokens issued in total. We will distribute 26,640,000 BUNK tokens as bounty rewards.
To earn and receive BUNK tokens, you can perform as many bounty tasks as you want by following the requirements for each bounty and submitting a Bounty Reward Request Form for each task performed.
Each bounty task will be validated before the tokens are distributed. Only tasks that followed the bounty program terms will be eligible to receive the rewards.
By completing bounty tasks you will receive bounty-stakes, which are divided into the following categories: Twitter, Facebook, Bitcointalk signature campaign, Bitcointalk translation and moderation, writing blog posts and posting articles in popular media. At the end of the token sale, we will distribute 26,640,000 BUNK coins proportional to your bounty stakes for each category.
TWITTER FOLLOW & REPOSTSEarn bounty stakes by retweeting official news.
A. Follow and Retweet
1. Follow our official
Twitter page.
2. Retweet news marked with
#PlayBunkICO from our official account within 5 days after their publication.
3. Submit a Bounty Reward Request Form for us to validate your bounty claim.
4. The total amount of BUNK tokens distributed for this category is 6,660,000 BUNK.
Each retweet will earn you the following amount of stakes:
49 followers or less — not eligible
From 50 to 99 followers — 10 stakes
From 100 to 249 followers — 25 stakes
From 250 to 999 followers — 60 stakes
From 1,000 to 9,999 followers — 120 stakes
10,000 followers and more — 250 stakes
B. Follow, Post, and Pin
1. Follow our official
Twitter page.
2. Create a tweet
a. Content should be: “Join the PlayBunk cryptocurrency campaign now. Visit our website for details.”
b. Use this
image in your tweet.
3. Pin the tweet on your profile page.
4. Submit a
Bounty Reward Request Form for us to validate your bounty claim.
5. The total amount of BUNK tokens distributed for this category is 6,660,000 BUNK.
Each tweet will earn you the following amount of stakes:
49 followers and less — not eligible
From 50 to 99 followers — 20 stakes
From 100 to 249 followers — 50 stakes
From 250 to 999 followers — 120 stakes
From 1,000 to 9,999 followers — 240 stakes
10,000 followers and more — 500 stakes
Note:- Your Twitter account should be at least 4 months old.
- We count ONLY the posts that are marked with #PlayBunkICO.
- Only one “Pin, Post & Retweet” per Twitter account will be accepted.
- Do not delete your tweet until the token sale campaign ends.
FACEBOOK FOLLOW & REPOSTSEarn bounty stakes by liking our Facebook page and sharing our posts, or by liking our Facebook page and posting a standardized post.
A. Sharing our Posts
1. Like and follow our official
Facebook page.
2. Share our official page posts marked with
3. Submit a
Bounty Reward Request Form for us to validate your bounty claim.
4. The total amount of BUNK tokens distributed for this category is 6,660,000 BUNK
B. Posting a standard post
1. Like and follow our official Facebook page.
2. Create a post on your Facebook page
a. Content should be: “Join the PlayBunk cryptocurrency campaign now. Visit our website for details.”
b. Use this
image in your post.
3. Submit a
Bounty Reward Request Form for us to validate your bounty claim.
Each share will earn you the following amount of stakes:
49 friends and less — not eligible
From 50 to 99 friends — 10 stakes
From 100 to 249 friends — 25 stakes
From 250 to 999 friends — 60 stakes
From 1,000 to 9,999 friends & followers — 120 stakes
10,000 friends & followers and more — 250 stakes
Note:- Your Facebook account should be at least 4 months old.
- We count ONLY the posts that are marked with #PlayBunkICO by our team.
- Only one “Share and Post” per Facebook account will be accepted.
- All posts must be made public.
- Do not delete your post or re-posts until the token sale campaign ends.
BITCOINTALK SIGNATURE CAMPAIGNWe are happy to invite you to the PlayBunk Bitcointalk signature campaign. Earn points by using our avatar and signature.
1. Upload the signature and avatar provided by us.
2. Write at least 15 constructive posts a week.
3. Submit a
Bounty Reward Request Form for us to validate your bounty claim.
4. The total amount of BUNK tokens distributed for this category is 3,996,000 BUNK.
Here you can copy signatures relevant to your rank on Bitcointalk:
SignatureAvatarEach week completed will earn you the following stakes:
Legendary/Hero (20 Stakes)
Sr./Full (15 stakes)
Member (10 Stakes)
Jr. Member (5 Stakes)
Avatar on (+5 Stakes)
Note:- Constructive posts a week minimum
- To get signature rewards, you must have written a minimum of 50 posts.
- We will ban and deny BUNK coins to spammers and multi-accounts.
- We do not reward avatars. They are only additions to signatures.
- Users not posting a minimum of 15 posts per week for 2 consecutive weeks will be removed.
- Receiving negative feedback or acquiring a ban during your participation in our campaign will result in disqualification. No rewards will be proffered.
- If we see that you are creating spam posts for the campaign, you will be removed from the bounty program. No payment will be received.
- We do not count the following discussion boards for the bounty:
*Games and Round
*Politics and Society
*Posts in "tipster" threads
*Beginners and Help
*Investor-based games
1. Apply through this
request form to book your language ANN translation and thread moderation.
2. The total amount of BUNK tokens distributed for this category is 1,332,000 BUNK.
Translations will be rewarded as:
- 40 stakes for an ANN translation
- 20 stakes for our “big post” translation
- 5 stakes per page in your thread
Note:- We will ban and deny BUNK coins to spammers and multi-accounts.
- Receiving negative trust or acquiring a ban during your participation in our campaign will result in disqualification. No rewards will be proffered.
- If we see that you are creating spam posts for the campaign, you will be removed from the bounty program. No payment will be received.
- anobtc - Vietnamese
- jatinjax1 - Hindi
- nazarii - Ukrainian
- surya67 - Indonesian
- lilac835 - Chinese
- slonbegemot - Russian
- Wasimalik - Urdu
- serkan7554 - Turkish
WRITE A POST IN YOUR BLOG/SOCIAL MEDIACreate a post and publish it in your Blog or in Social Media.
1. Write a post about PlayBunk in any language, with at least 1,000 characters and containing 2 links to our page, or create a Youtube video with at least 1 minute length about PlayBunk’s token sale.
2. Submit a
Bounty Reward Request Form for us to validate your bounty claim.
3. The total amount of BUNK tokens distributed for this category is 3,996,000 BUNK.
Each article completed will earn you the following stakes (dependent on creativity and reach):
Standard (10 stakes)
Nice (25 stakes)
Extraordinary (90 stakes)
Note:- All posts must be made public.
- Only one “Post” per blog or social media account will be accepted. Do not submit more than one reward request for this activity.
- Do not delete your post or re-posts until the token sale campaign ends.
PUBLISH AN ARTICLE IN THE MEDIAIf you are a private user, create articles and blogs to earn stakes.
1. Create an article or video blog on a popular media website or outlet. For example, you can write an article about PlayBunk in Forbes, Coindesk, Bitcoinist, or on any other media site or outlet relevant to finances and cryptocurrency.
2. Submit a
Bounty Reward Request Form for us to validate your bounty claim.
3. The total amount of BUNK tokens distributed for this category is 3,996,000 BUNK.
Each article completed will earn you the following stakes (dependent on the media outlet and its reach):
Standard (10 stakes)
Nice (25 stakes)
Extraordinary (90 stakes)
Note:- All posts must be made public.
- Only one “Post” per blog or social media account will be accepted. Do not submit more than one reward request for this activity.
- Do not delete your post or re-posts until the token sale campaign ends.
How and when will you receive the rewardsWe will distribute 26,640,000 BUNK tokens in proportion to the number of stakes each bounty campaign participant has earned in each category.
For example, after counting all Twitter retweets, we will make a table where everyone who re-posted will see their bounty stakes earned in the Twitter category. Since there are 6,660,000 BUNK tokens dedicated to the Twitter category, those tokens will be distributed among all members participating the bounty campaign according to the number of stakes they have earned. Then we will continue to the Facebook category, then the Bitcointalk Signature campaign, and so on.
To summarize, the stakes earned in each category will NOT be pooled together, but rather the tokens will be divided amongst the participants in each category separately.
The information about earned stakes is available for view below:
TwitterFacebookSignature CampaignTranslation and ModerationBlog and PostPublish an Article in MediaOnce all of the stakes are counted, you will be notified via email of your BUNK tokens. Tokens will be distributed once PlayBunk goes live.
If you have any questions regarding the bounty program, please contact us using the dedicated email address for the bounty program:
[email protected].
Feel free to reach out to us any time. We are glad to help.