GALAXY E-SOLUTION IS A SCAM . They Have No Intention to pay tokens, They didn't even paid us. They got the money on pre-ico and now they don't want to pay tokens for bounty and airdrop.
Now They're going to have ico.
Please Share this on twitter and Facebook..So this scammers don't make more money.!
• Make at least 100 posts During the campaign.
• Don't Remove your signature during the campaign.
• Only constructive posts will be counted as eligible
• Users with valid negative trust can not join this campaign
• Individual Cap 200 Token.
• Signature for Junior Member and Member: 5 stakes per Post.
• Signature for Full Member: 10 stakes per Post.
• Signature for Senior Member, Hero or Legendary: 20 stakes per Post.
Additional Notes
We will randomly check all our signature bounty participants several times a week, to ensure long-time supporters receive an increased stake.
Signature Participant's list
Signature Codes
[center][table][tr][td][url=][font=courier][size=2px][color=#F55F05][color=#2170A8] ████████████████████████[/color]
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████████████▄▄████████████ [/color][/td][td][url=][font=Arial Black][size=23px][b][color=#2170A8]Galaxy[/color][color=#F55F05] eSolutions[/color]
[size=8px][color=#2170A8] ICO TOKEN PRESALE STARTS ON NOVEMBER 17[/td][td][size=28px][color=#F47E26]│[/td][td][url=][font=ARial Black][size=17px][glow=#F55F05,2,300][color=#fff][size=15px] #1 ICO ON A GLOBAL ECOMMERCE ECOSYSTEM![/SIZE] [/color][/glow][/size]
[size=13px][color=#2170A8] WORLDWIDE REFURBISHED CONSUMER ELECTRONICS[/td][td][size=28px][color=#F47E26]│[/td][td][font=Arial Black][size=9px][url=][color=#006DA5]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│MEDIUM[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#006DA5] FACEBOOK[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│LINKEDIN[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#006DA5] TWITTER[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│TELEGRAM[/color][/url][/td][td][url=][font=courier][size=2px][color=#F55F05][color=#2170A8] ████████████████████████[/color]
[color=#006DA5] ███████████ █████████[/color]
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[center][table][tr][td][url=][font=courier][size=2px][color=#F55F05][color=#2170A8] ████████████████████████[/color]
[color=#006DA5] ███████████ █████████[/color]
[color=#006DA5] ████████████████████████████[/color]
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[color=#006DA5] ████ ████ ███[/color]
[color=#006DA5]██████ ██████████ [/color]█ [color=#006DA5]█[/color]
[color=#006DA5] ████ ███ ███ [/color]███
[color=#006DA5] ███ ██ ██[/color] ████
█ [color=#006DA5]█[/color] ██ ██ ██████
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████████████▄▄████████████ [/color][/td][td][url=][font=Arial Black][size=23px][b][color=#2170A8]Galaxy[/color][color=#F55F05] eSolutions[/color]
[size=8px][color=#2170A8] ICO TOKEN PRESALE STARTS ON NOVEMBER 17[/td][td] [/td][td][size=28px][color=#F47E26]│[/td][td][url=][font=ARial Black][color=#F55F05][size=15px] #1 ICO ON A GLOBAL ECOMMERCE ECOSYSTEM![/SIZE] [/color]
[size=13px][color=#2170A8] WORLDWIDE REFURBISHED CONSUMER ELECTRONICS[/td][td][size=28px][color=#F47E26]│[/td][td][font=Arial Black][size=9px][url=][color=#006DA5]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│MEDIUM[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#006DA5] FACEBOOK[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│LINKEDIN[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#006DA5] TWITTER[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│TELEGRAM[/color][/url][/td][td][url=][font=courier][size=2px][color=#F55F05][color=#2170A8] ████████████████████████[/color]
[color=#006DA5] ███████████ █████████[/color]
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[center][url=][color=#2170A8]█ [color=#F55F05]█[/color][u] [/u] [font=Arial Black][b][color=#2170A8] Galaxy[color=#F55F05] eSolutions │[/color]November 17, 2017[/color] [u] [/u][color=#F55F05]█[/color] █[/color]
[color=#2170A8]#1 ICO on a Global eCommerce Ecosystem! Worldwide Refurbished Consumer Electronics[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#006DA5]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│MEDIUM[/color][/url][url=][color=#006DA5] FACEBOOK[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│LINKEDIN[/color][/url][url=][color=#006DA5] TWITTER[/color][/url][url=][color=#F55F05]│TELEGRAM[/color][/url][/center]
[center][url=]█ █[u] [/u] Galaxy eSolutions │November 17, 2017 [u] [/u]█ █
#1 ICO on a Global eCommerce Ecosystem! Worldwide Refurbished Consumer Electronics[/url]
[url=]WHITEPAPER[/url][url=]│MEDIUM[/url][url=] FACEBOOK[/url][url=]│LINKEDIN [/url] [url=]TWITTER[/url][url=]│TELEGRAM[/url][/center]
[center][url=]Galaxy eSolutions│#1 ICO on a Global eCommerce Ecosystem!
Worldwide Refurbished Consumer Electronics[/url]
To provide a fair bounty distribution, register with this form:
• Follow Galaxy eSolutions
• Make At least 5 Tweets & Retweets Every week.
• Fake Accounts is not allowed.
• Submit your work on every Sunday on this thread.
Weekly Payments
• 10 stakes for under 300 followers.
• 20 stakes for 301 to 999 followers.
• 50 stakes for 1000 or more followers.
Twitter Participant's list
We will be posting all updates and co-posting every blog post on our Facebook page.Make sure your Facebook name matches with what you've used to register on our forms. To provide a fair bounty distribution, register with this form:
• Follow Our Facebook Page
• Must Have 100 Friends.
• Make At least 5 Public Shares Every week.
• Like At least 5 post Every week.
• Submit your work on every Sunday on this thread.
• Friend count of 100 to 1000: 10 stakes.
• Friend count of 1001 to 3000: 25 stakes.
• Friend count of 3000+: 40 stakes.
Facebook Participant's list
If our Bitcointalk thread has not been translated into your local language yet, you are welcome to contribute with your own translation (no direct Google Translate usage please) and earn a stake in return. To provide a fair bounty distribution, register with this form:
You will receive additional stakes for each post you get in the thread of your translation.
• Bitcointalk Thread: 100 stakes.
• Whitepaper: 1000 stakes.
• Moderation: 5 stakes per post in your thread.
• Individual Cap 200 Token.
Translation Participant's list
To provide a fair bounty distribution, register with this form: Closed
• Join our Telegram Group Galaxy eSolutions
• Individual Cap 10 Token.
Telegram Participant's list