What is Rentything?
Rentything is the world’s first decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) online renting platform using blockchain technology to build a trustable and transparent platform to encourage collaborative consumption and environmental conservation.
Built on blockchain, Rentything uses its own token, called RentyCoin (RTC). RentyCoin will be used to facilitate the Rentything.com, and confer the right to carry out operations and activities on the Rentything platform.
- 5 points Like Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Rentything
- 5 points Comment on latest post.
- 8 points Share Rentything facebook page.
- 10 points Create unique post on facebook with minimum 200 words.
- 5 points Follow our Twitter profile: http://twitter.com/rentything
- 5 points Like and Retweet Pinned tweet.
- 8 points Create own unique tweet.
- 5 points Join our Group https://t.me/joinchat/GeZvCETTYSsoOI9K7dxztg
- 5 points Subscribe our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/
- 3 points Watch and Like RTC Explainer video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
- 20 points Create and upload your own video on youtube. (You can use logo, content, presentation or any useful material from our official website). In-case If we like your creative video, we may use it somewhere on our website and give you 15 RTC bonus coins to your wallet!
- 8 points Follow & clap for our medium blog https://medium.com/@rentything and share our medium blog posts on Twitter & Facebook.
Article Writing, Blog Post
- 15 points Write blog post of minimum 600 words. Write about Rentything ICO & Referral system. You can use logo, content, presentation or any useful material from our official website for reference. You are allowed to use your own referral url in blog post to earn referral benefits as well. Write creative content, don't copy paste from our website as-it-is.
- Official website URL: https://www.rentything.com/
- Link to Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rentything/
- Link to Telegram Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/GeZvCETTYSsoOI9K7dxztg
- 20 points Whitepaper translation.
- 10 points Website translation.
- Using Google Translate and other online translators is not allowed. Participants using Google Translate will be instantly disqualified.
- Accepted Translators will be contacted by PM.
- If you have any questions, just let us know through PM or Telegram.