Hi all!
Thanks for participating in archiving period 3, which finished at 12 noon CEST today (Wednesday the 21st of August).
There are some tweaks to the processes for round 4 (which has now already opened!), so although the OP has been fully updated, I thought it would be useful to also post a summary of the changes here.
Introducing the new bonus topic prizes!So, for archiving period/round 4 beginning today (21st August) we have introduced a new bonus topic! The bonus topic is: current protests and political upheaval in Hong Kong. There are new, additional prizes available for people who archive on the bonus topic!
Just like with the general archiving topic, there is a prize available for the ‘best archiver’ of Hong Kong content, and also for the ‘best submission’ related to Hong Kong. You should nominate one archive for consideration for the ‘best submission’ prize, and everyone will automatically be considered for the ‘best archiver’ prizes, as always.
There is now an additional Google form to report your Hong Kong-related archives. All content submitted to the Hong Kong Google form will automatically also be considered as part of your daily archiving reward total - you should *not* submit the HK content to both forms.
The goal of the bonus topic is to encourage people to archive content about a specific event or events currently happening in the world, that we anticipate will be of great interest to future historians.
Make sure to keep to the usual copyright rules when archiving for the bonus topic.
Changes to copyright penaltiesSo, we have also introduced a new system for how we penalise copyright infringement. In short, if you report infringing content instead of automatically losing all rewards for that report, there will instead be an overall penalty of 10% per infringing archive across your rewards total. Additionally, as before, all copyright-infringing URLs will be voided and those individual archives will not count towards your rewards total.
For example, if you are originally due to receive 2 ETH for your contributions, but you have archived two infringing URLs, you will receive a 20% penalty, meaning you will be paid out 1.6 ETH.
As always, please do DM me on Discord (arweave-india) if you have copyright questions, I’ll always respond ASAP!
Archive reportingAs with the last archiving period, you need to report all of your daily archives to both the Google form(s) and the once per day to this Bitcointalk bounty thread.
Remember, If you’re taking part in the bonus topic archiving, you need to submit that in the special Google form, and also in your daily Bitcointalk archive report too.
You should nominate one archive per daily report in the Google form(s) to be considered for the ‘best submission’ prizes!
Please ask any questions you like, I will of course answer you ASAP, and then I can also alter and improve the instructions in the Bitcointalk thread to make it clearer for everyone
Thanks everyone and good luck!
- India, and the team