On the micropayment issue there already are non-payment proposals to prevent spam involving PROOF OF WORK. Essentially when someone emails you then need to performs a certain amount of work (few seconds of CPU time on avg computer) and sign the email. The main problem is the network effect. If only 1% of your legit emails are using such a system it isn't effective.
Most spam solutions would work if they had a large enough network effect. By using Bitcoins you are simply swapping coins = manifestation of work already completed with direct proof of work. The same network effect limit exists. So even if you accept that generally speaking PROOF OF WORK is a valid defense against spam you have to look carefully at the INCREMENTAL BENEFIT and INCREMENTAL COST of using bitcoins vs native proof of work.
Many years ago I was a proponent of the pay-for-email scheme, and thought it was a brilliant idea. I never thought of it again since Bitcoin became real, so I was excited to see cbeast's recommendation. But I do agree:
(1) That's a lot of transaction volume on the network. I think Bitcoin clients needs to have better blockchain management/pruning schemes before anything like this could ever be attempted. Or find a way to aggregate the payments (like the hashcoin solution involving locktimes and replacement, so that you can make thousands of micropayments off network, as long as both parties have a persistent financial relationship...)
(2) DeathAndTaxes is absolutely right. The Bitcoins are kind of an roundabout way to solve the problem: might as well just use proof-of-work directly. I like the idea of requiring emails (with sender, recipient and date) to require a nonce that gives the hash of the email X leading zero bytes. In Bitcoin, X=4 is the same as difficulty-1 calculation. Even if it was just X=2 or 3, most computers and devices can do that computation very quickly.
Either way, users would need to make sure that their ISP or email server supports this. I could see many midstream providers implementing this, then selling out to allow a single proof-of-work to distribute multiple emails for some BS reason that doesn't make sense to anyone but the spammers.
Actually, I can think of one legitimate reason: if you write a lot of emails on your smartphone, having any proof of work acceptable for desktop computers would probably take a few seconds and quite a bit of battery life. So perhaps, the data service provider skips the check or performs proof of work for you for a fee? But then that would quickly turn into a game of making exceptions to the PoW rules that spammers will learn to exploit.
I don't know, but there's a lot of possibilities here. Whether you're paying in computation time or money, it's very easy to find a threshold that is basically transparent to the majority of legitimate users sending <20 emails a day, but is prohibitive to the spammers sending millions.
EDIT: Hell, we don't even need Bitcoin or anything else to sign onto the idea of using proof of work. Your email client could do it all for you (since verifying PoW is super-fast, and a scrypt-like CPU "hasher" is easy to implement in arbitrary software). Once a certain level of adoption is reached, you could just turn off your ISP spam filter entirely and your email client filters out everything that doesn't have PoW.