Stakes were calculated. You can review your stakes in spreadsheets.
If you are not agree with you stakes, please make post in this thread (links on you job and link on your report for Twitter is obligatory).
All complaints will be accepted till the 17 of April! No any changes after 17th APR!
Thank you for you support of the project!
Hi admin. Why did not you take my bets into account? Please add my bets! Thank!
My spreadsheet: 293
Why is not this fair in holding a media company? Nowhere was it written that you accept work only until the 26th. I tried, made a video, wrote an article. A lot of people have seen it all. And you expose the date on the 26th and do not accept all the others who after this number did the work. There are not that many people participated in the company's blog. Could and all to charge. Themselves are violating their own rules.
Пoчeмy тaкaя нe cпpaвeдливocть в пpoвeдeнии media кoмпaнии? Hигдe нe былo нaпиcaнo, чтo вы пpинимaeтe paбoты тoлькo дo 26 чиcлa. Я cтapaлcя , дeлaл видeo, пиcaл cтaтью. Oчeнь мнoгo людeй этo вce пocмoтpeлo. A вы выcтaвляeтe дaтy 26 чиcлa и нe пpинимaeтe вcex ocтaльныx ктo пocлe этoгo чиcлa cдeлaл paбoтy. Taм нe тaк yж и мнoгo людeй yчacтвoвaлo в блoг кoмпaнии. Moгли бы и вceм нaчиcлить. Caми жe нapyшaeтe cвoи пpaвилa.