
Topic: Bounty Rewards: Sell immediately or HODL? - page 61. (Read 7196 times)

sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Depending on your own target, I will sell coins when the coins are equal to ico or more than ico price, unless I really need money then I will sell it below ico price.
Activity: 252
Merit: 10
for now from the beginning of this year I try to hold it until the end of the year hopefully there is a surge of increase

It is necessary to look at the capitalization of the coin. If the coin on the crypto currency market is now worth more than $ 50 million, I think that this coin needs to be sold.
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
I started with bounties one month ago so I don't have any experience yet, but I have a question. If the project doesn't hit the hardcap, let's say it only get the mid of the goal, its still worth to hold tokens? Even if the ICO don't hit the hardcap? I'm currently in signals bounty and have around 800 tokens. ICO ends April 9th but it doesn't even hit the middle of the goal. So I don't know if in this situation I should hold or sell it asap. Someone can give me any advice? Thanks and sorry for my English.
full member
Activity: 896
Merit: 103
This hard question and also depends from seriously of the project! I change my opinion about this question many times
Activity: 249
Merit: 0
Depending on the coin / token obtained if the project is good then I will hold the coin. Not all coins / tokens obtained are sold immediately, at least waiting until the coin / token is listed on the exchange.
Activity: 280
Merit: 10
For me i don't dump bounty reward just any, that is why 80% of investors hate bounty hunters, they tag us with many types of name that are very weird, there is nothing bad in hold bouncy for some times before get rid of it
hero member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 519 30% Cash Back
If you strongly believe that is a really good project (good coin/ token), you should hold at least 1 year to multiply your profit
Otherwise, sell it all.

I agree with the act of holding; however, what I don't totally agree with is the time frame, I think around six months would be enough. I have read an article that coins from bounties should be held while the project is still rolling. Following the trend, after a project finishes its ICO phase and goes into market, it takes around three to six months for it to pick up and gain value, and that is also the time when you must wait and hold until such time the coin reaches its full potential and is ripe to be sold. After six months, coins from ICOs usually go two ways: either go down in value and be replaced by another coin or prosper and gain more. So, if you want to sell some at its peak value and leave some to test the market.
sr. member
Activity: 1372
Merit: 251
PredX - AI-Powered Prediction Market
for now from the beginning of this year I try to hold it until the end of the year hopefully there is a surge of increase
full member
Activity: 1036
Merit: 144
Penguin Party 🐟
Lots of people who live in less fortunate parts of the world, particularly in areas with high unemployment, probably NEED to sell their bounty rewards to put food on the table and pay their bills.

But I really don't know if my assumptions are correct.  So, my question to you is...

Do you sell your Bounty Rewards straight away or HODL?  Any insight into your reasons would be appreciated.

My country fits the description so I'm going to comment on this. And you're right, they don't even hold Bitcoin so why would they hold any tokens they get from some bounty campaigns? Yes, they need the money so they'll just sell their rewards for some ETH then sell it for some cash. Even when so many people say that their tokens will rise in value. They're still young though, most of bounty hunters I know is ranged between 18-25 yo. So that's also might be the case why they're always sell their rewards right away.

And same with me, I got my first token from an airdrop last month (POLY) and sold them yesterday when I finally understand enough about how Etherdelta works. Even with BTC -I get paid in BTC monthly by some company- I almost never hold it for long even though I don't need the money at all. Thus saving some coins every month will be my resolution of 2018.
I completely aggree with bitrent, im 25 and im going to try and hold but right now im taking care of my sick mother in law on hospice so i cant work and its hard but  if i do sell i want to sell in the green and not the red but while bitcoin is half off its almost best to exchange for btc and eth, and hodl because i think eth will be worth as much as btc here this year or next can someone with ico experience check out my bounty and tell me if you think i should hold or sell please send me a pm with your opinion i think they have a great idea but they dont have a big fanbase so when i reciece my bounty should i hodl or sell!!!!!! Thanks btc fam
sr. member
Activity: 585
Merit: 251
For me the best idea is to split amount for two parts like in risky investing, try to sell part that you really need and second one just hodl and maybe you will get some profit in future.
full member
Activity: 375
Merit: 100
Adoption Blockchain e-Commerce to World
I prefer to hodl it a little more because the demand was going to up whenever they start to sell or to the market the demand was going to up more so i prefer tp hodl it a little bit so you can gain more profits
Activity: 263
Merit: 10
I've been doing bounty campaigns only since December 2017.  Not long, in the scheme of things.  But one thing that truly surprised me during the last couple of months is the number of bounty hunters who look to sell their tokens ASAP.  At first, I didn't understand why, but I think I'm beginning to.

For me, I'm doing these bounty campaigns for a bit of fun and to give my mind a bit work to do, creatively speaking.  So my mindset for any bounty tokens is just to HODL and allow the devs to implement their roadmap and take the project through to completion.  I think this will give the best realisation of value on the tokens.  Sure, some may fail and they will likely end up worthless, but since I only invested time, not money, into receiving them, I'm not really worried.

So with that mindset, I struggled to understand why so many people were eager to offload their bounties at the earliest opportunity.

But over the weekend, I sat down and did some calculations on the accumulated bounty rewards I'm expecting to receive.  Each bounty by itself was a modest return, but when combined in totality, it was a sizeable amount.  And that's when it struck me...

Lots of people who live in less fortunate parts of the world, particularly in areas with high unemployment, probably NEED to sell their bounty rewards to put food on the table and pay their bills.

But I really don't know if my assumptions are correct.  So, my question to you is...

Do you sell your Bounty Rewards straight away or HODL?  Any insight into your reasons would be appreciated.

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in my opinion it all depends what coins you get from bounty. if the coins you get have great potential in the future will be better resisted, because this will give you an advantage in the future. but if the coins you get less potential will be better you sell.
jr. member
Activity: 156
Merit: 1
If i recieve a token from my bounty i will sell it directly if the token is listed to the exchange coz i needmoney and i join in bounty to get xtra income, if the token is not listed in market thats the time that i hold it and i wait, maybe if you have enough money and you dont need it automaticaly its yours to hold your coin, but some of us joining here is to get money and xtra income so whats the reason that you hold it if you need? That is my opinion and share what i am about the topic above
Activity: 378
Merit: 10
EndChain - Complete Logistical Solution
I will sell it and buy ETH, because I think ETH has more of a future.
jr. member
Activity: 83
Merit: 1
What I did was hold them first and look for any opportunity that may come. Will it be more wise to hold given how it behaves in the market or not? That is one of the few things I consider. Another is use it to trade of other desirable coins.
Or maybe sell them. But ultimately, holding your assets always prove beneficial even for me in the past.
jr. member
Activity: 78
Merit: 1
There is a two way to do on your bounty rewards its either you sell the half if you need money as well as it profitable for you as long the price is good. The other is hodl the half because in long term holding maybe the token will goes up and going to the moon and is its profitable cause you had holdings for that the good choice to do
Activity: 336
Merit: 10
if i personaly, i definitely hold it until the price increases.
jr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
When the bounty campaign is proper and thorougly researched, the tokens these companies will eventually distribute are the ones i am really intrested in having. Why sell them immediatly? I think we should(if possible) think long term in this market.
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
I do not see the point of selling tokens if they did not grow at least 10-20 times. I think that this is a win-win lottery ticket - the price will not go down below. You can always sell if there is a need. There is a high probability that the project will develop and the price will increase.
Activity: 444
Merit: 12
I prefer to hold bounty rewards. I believe that this market is still very young and in the future it will grow and with it the value of tokens of new technological projects will rise.
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