We are calculate the stakes right now and we will release complain/appeal form soon, please wait.
* We dont accept new application under this post. thanks for your support!
Hello all! Saturn bounty campaign (round 2) is over!
if you think we are made some mistakes or missing counting stakes, please describe all the problem in this form:
We are opened the Complaints/Appeal form only 4 days from now! after that, all decision is final! and final stats we will send to Saturn team.
And we officially launch new bounty campaign for ROUND 3!! You can participate here: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/--5102259
Thanks for your support
- Ask about bounty round 2 on official telegram bounty chat here: Saturn Official Bounty, & Team2one group.
- We will lock this thread and let's start support saturn platform on bounty thread round 3.