UPDATE 3/30/2022
Sorry to inform you guys that after Week 2, the bounty will be paused for the meantime until further notice.
The team is having difficulty working on marketing, development, and any other activities since most of them are based in Ukraine.
Once the bounty is returned, no changes will be made to the rules, all listed bounty participants can continue to work and we will still welcome new applicants.
We will continue as usual. Thank you.
Brief history of the stamp
The first stamp was produced in Great Britain in 1840 and is known as the Penny Black. This small piece of paper changed the way we sent posts and was extremely popular. Since then stamps have been produced in countries around the world with new designs issued every year.
Stamps NFT
We have created unique animated stamps from around the world. Our mission is to transfer all existing marks to the blockchain and make them usable in future metaverse
Week 1 ( March 14 - 20) - ENDED
Week 2 (March 21 - 27) - ENDED
Week 3 (March 28 - April 3) - PAUSED
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
◘ Participants must follow the official
TELEGRAM group. Please stay there until the end of the campaign.
(MANDATORY)◘ Participants must follow the official
DISCORD group. Please stay there until the end of the campaign.
(MANDATORY)◘ Participants must joined the
TELEGRAM BOUNTY GROUP. All bounty-related concerns should only be posted here.
(MANDATORY)◘ Bounty rewards will be sent directly to your
Polygon (MATIC) compatible wallet.
◘ Forum accounts with negative trust from DTs are not allowed to join. If you received a valid negative trust while currently active in the campaign, no payment will be made and you will be removed.
◘ Only 1 forum account per participant. If caught using multi-accounts while enrolled in the campaign, all stakes will be forfeited.
◘ Strictly
NO CHANGING OF AN ADDRESS. Don’t provide an address that is generated by Exchange. The address you will submit will be your address for the entire duration of the campaign. Please be responsible enough to secure your own address.
◘ If you joined 2 days before the weekly cut-off, your starting week will be on the following week (except for Week 1).
◘ Having an authentication post is necessary for future reference.
◘ Bump me a message if there's a need on modifying your inputs on the form.
◘ We reserved the right to make changes on any terms if it’s reasonable to do so.
◘ We reserved the right to remove a participant from the campaign for a valid reason.
◘ We reserved the right to suspend or have the allocation reduced on a certain bounty if we found it underperforming.
◘ We reserved the right to make adjustments to the rules if necessary*.
◘ No KYC.
◘ The weekly task will run from Monday to Sunday (UTC 23:59:00).
Please take note of the weekly cutoff.◘ For any questions regarding to bounty, just shoot me a PM here or to my Telegram
Total Rewards: 50% of the total sales (without threshold) during the bounty campaign period).
Rewards will be swapped from ETH to Matic to lower transaction fees during distribution.
NFT floor price is 0.01 ETH.
Available 25, 000 NFT
Twitter - 25 %
Youtube -20 %
Tiktok - 20%
Blog and Article - 15 %
Discord - 10%
Telegram - 10 %
TERMS:◘ Participants must FOLLOW the
Stamps NFT official TWITTER handle.
◘ Open to all forum ranks
◘ Minimum 1,000 Real Followers
◘ Only 1 Twitter Account per Bitcointalk user.
◘ Participants must do a total of
5x retweets per week and
3x self-tweets per week. Please spread it throughout the week. I will not count works that were done within just 3 days.
◘. Tweets should have a hashtag of
#stampsnft, mention
@@StampNFTs and link the website
◘ It is allowed to do the same 3x self-tweets per week. For rt’s, please retweet new updates or just do the same if there are no new tweets.
◘ I will ignore posts that have incomplete reports.
HOW:Post this authentication post on the thread
(MANDATORY). I will not count reports without having a separate post for authentication here first.
#Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Twitter Username:
Twitter Profile Link:
Polygon (Matic) Address:
After posting here, fill-up this form:
CLICK!Make a weekly report by posting in this format: (No need to report every day. Only once per week.
Twitter Profile link:
No. on the spreadsheet:
REWARDS1000 - 1999 Followers: 1 Stakes / Week
2000 - 2999 Followers: 2 Stakes / Week
3000 - 3999 Followers: 3 Stakes / Week
4000+ Followers: 4 Stakes / Week
TERMS:◘ Create an awesome and unique video on what you think about Stamps-NFT.
◘ Open to all Forum Ranks
◘ Minimum 500 Followers/Subscribers.
◘ Videos should be at least 2 minutes short.
◘ Videos should be in
English language only.
◘ Include the site official website
https://stamps-nft.gitbook.io/stamps-nft/ and
other social platforms link on the video description
◘ It doesn’t matter if you want to add voice or just graphics. Play with your imagination. Make the content clear.
◘ Wait for approval before making a video. We will check each of the accounts first and allow us up to 24 - 48 to approve your status. Check the spreadsheet if you are accepted.
◘ Up to 2 submitted videos per user
HOW:Post this authentication post on the thread
(MANDATORY). I will not count reports without having a separate post for authentication here first.
#Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Profile link:
Youtube Channel:
Polygon (Matic) Address:
After posting here, fill-up this form:
CLICK!If accepted, submit your work on this format:
Bitcointalk Profile link:
Youtube Channel:
Link to your work:
Polygon (Matic) Address:
REWARDS:500 - 1000 followers = 1 stake
1001 - 2000 followers = 2 stakes
2001 - 2999 = 3 stakes
3000 - 3999 = 4 stakes
4000 + = 5 stakes
Additional stakes: (we will check it at the end of the bounty program)
Watched 1000 - 2999 times = 2 stakes
Watched 3000 - 4999 times = 4 stakes
Watched 5000+ times = 6 stakes
Quality Fair = 1 stake
Quality Good = 2 stakes
Quality Best = 3 stakes
TERMS:◘ Create an awesome and unique video on what you think about Stamps-NFT.
◘ Open to all Forum Ranks
◘ Minimum 500 Followers/Subscribers.
◘ Videos should be in English language only.
◘ Mentioned the site official website
https://stamps-nft.gitbook.io/stamps-nft/ and
other social platforms link on the video description
◘ Wait for approval before making a video. We will check each of the accounts first and allow us up to 24 - 48 to approve your status. Check the spreadsheet if you are accepted.
◘ Play with your imagination. Make the content clear.
◘ Up to 2 submitted videos per user
HOW:Post this authentication post on the thread
(MANDATORY). I will not count reports without having a separate post for authentication here first.
#Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Profile link:
TikTok Page/Profile:
Polygon (Matic) Address:
After posting here, fill-up this form:
CLICK!If accepted, submit your work on this format:
Bitcointalk Profile link:
TikTok Page/Profile:
Link to your work:
Polygon (Matic) Address:
REWARDS500 - 1000 followers = 1 stake
1001 - 2000 followers = 2 stakes
2001 - 2999 = 3 stakes
3000 - 3999 = 4 stakes
4000 + = 5 stakes
Additional stakes: (we will check it at the end of the bounty program)
Watched 2000 - 2999 times = 1 stakes
Watched 3000 - 4999 times = 2 stakes
Watched 5000+ times = 3 stakes
Quality Fair = 1 stake
Quality Good = 2 stakes
Quality Best = 3 stakes
TERMS:◘ Create an awesome, informative, and good article or blog review about the Stamps-NFT project.
◘ Open to all Forum Ranks
◘ Minimum 500 followers or subscribers. If that’s a website, we will check it first.
◘ Articles should be made in the original concept. We will only accept
ENGLISH reviews.
◘ As much as possible, include your own thoughts about the project alongside the basic information you will see at your preferred source.
◘ Any ranks are welcome to apply. We will be based on your blog page.
◘ Wait for approval before making an article. We will check each of the user’s pages first and allow us up to 24 - 48 to approve your status. Check the spreadsheet if you are approved.
Not accepting .blogspot domain or hosted by Blogger.HOW:Post this authentication post on the thread
(MANDATORY). I will not count reports without having a separate post for authentication here first.
#Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Profile link:
Article, Blog, Website:
Polygon (Matic) Address:
After posting here, fill-up this form:
CLICK!If accepted, submit your work on this format:
Bitcointalk Profile link:
Blog Page/Profile:
Link to your work:
Polygon (Matic) Address:
REWARDS:500-999 Followers: 1 Stake
1000-2999 Followers: 2 Stakes
3000 + Followers: 3 stakes
Additional stakes: (we will check it at the end of the bounty program)
Quality Fair = 1 stake
Quality Good = 2 stakes
Quality Best = 3 stakes
TERMS:◘ Participants must follow the official
DISCORD channel. Please stay there until the end of the campaign.
(MANDATORY)◘ If we don’t see your account at the end of the bounty program and you joined one of the bounties, no reward will be made.
◘ Join the discussion there and be involved with the Stamps-NFT community.
◘ The First 100 settlers in Discord will have a drop of 1 NFT. Airdrop from will be posted there.
HOW:Post in this thread with the ff:
#Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Profile link:
Discord Handler (username#):
Polygon (Matic) Address:
After posting here, fill-up this form:
CLICK!REWARDS:1 NFT each for first 100 settlers
1 STAKE each
More will be given if we found the user active in the discussion
TERMS:◘ Participants must follow the official
TELEGRAM group. Please stay there until the end of the campaign.
(MANDATORY)◘ If we don’t see your account at the end of the bounty program and you joined one of the bounties, no reward will be made.
◘ Join the discussion there and be involved with the Stamps-NFT community.
HOW:Post in this thread with the ff:
#Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Profile link:
Telegram handle: @
Polygon (Matic) Address:
After posting here, fill-up this form:
More will be given if we found the user active in the discussion