Due to cost and personal reasons, we had to end our bounty campaign ahead of schedule.
We would like to thank all the participants for creating awesome content and helping us promote ToBet !!!
ToBet is a decentralised game platform based on the blockchain. The platform has launched many interesting games:
Three duke and
Happy bull. More interesting games will be launched later. Our goal is to create a fair, just and open game ecosystem and take the essence of what people loved about online gaming — the thrill and excitement, the social aspect of playing.
Official website: https://tobet.oneBounty duration: 2019.03.18-2019.04.07 (3 weeks)
Token allocated: 20 million
Total token supply: 10 billion
General rules of ToBet bounty campaign:1. No KYC required
2. Any kind of cheating, use of multiple accounts and spamming are prohibited and will result in refusal of your right to participate in the bounty campaign and referral program.
3. You agree to general rules and the section specific rules, the moment you sign up for this campaign. We reserve the right to adjust the reward amount or any other detail of the Bounty Program. These changes will be announced beforehand.
Note: Please make sure to read the general rules and the section specific rules of this campaign first before you applying!
How to participant:1. Join ToBet Telegram group:
https://t.me/tobet_EN2. Fill up the form with all the required information:
HERE3. Post #Proof of authentication# on this bounty thread using the format below:
Campaigns: *which campaigns do you want to participate in*
Bitcointalk Username:
Bitcointalk profile URL:
Content profile (Medium/Steemit) URL: *if chosen*
YouTube channel URL: *if chosen*
Twitter profile URL: *if chosen*
Reddit profile URL: *if chosen*
Telegram Username:
Section1: Signature bounty campaign
Allocated tokens: 4M TOB
Section Rules:1. You are required to make at least 25 constructive and on-topic posts with at least 80 characters (Symbols like @!#$%^&*()+][\';./,~_ etc. does not count) per week. A maximum of 5 posts will be counted on Local Boards.
2. No posts in Bounties, Off Topic, Archival, Politics, Marketplace / Marketplace (Altcoins), Beginners and Help and Scam Accusations / Reputation (and all their child boards if applicable).
3. Posts must be spread-out within the week, maximum of 5 posts per day. Excess daily posts will not count towards the next day/week.
4. Participants are not allowed to advertise any other company/websites/campaigns in their signatures other than ToBet.
5. Participants can not change the signature in the course of the campaign.
6. Any participant can be disqualified and replaced immediately without any notice if found:
- Not following this Signature campaign's rules
- Did not meet the required posts per week
- Received negative trust while enrolled in the campaign
- Enrolling multiple accounts
- Spamming
7. Only those who completed the required number of qualified posts per week and got accepted into this signature campaign gets paid.
8. If the participant's rank changes during the campaign, the new position will apply from the next week.
9. Maximum number of participants is 100.
Signature (& Avatar) Rewards:Jr. Member: 10,000 TOB / week
Member: 20,000 TOB / week
Full Member: 35,000 TOB / week
Sr Member: 55,000 TOB / week
Hero/Legendary Member: 80,000 TOB / week
AVATAR = +5,000 TOB per week
Additionally, invite Bitcointalk users to join our Bounty Campaign and receive additional TOB Tokens. Referee has to join the signature campaign and earn stakes.
Invitation Rewards:1 person invited: 1,000 TOB
10 and more people invited: 10,000 TOB
[Bonus] Hero member invite +3,000 TOB
[Bonus] Legendary member invite +6,000 TOB
Please advise your referees to fill in your Bitcointalk username in the form when applying.
How to participate:1. Wear the signature depending on your rank (additionally, the avatar) first!
2. Fill up the spreadsheet:
HERE3. Post the weekly report on this bounty thread using the format below:
Participant in: signature (& avatar) bounty campaign
Bitcointalk username:
Week number: week 1
Avatar:https://imgur.com/5DJ0cOchttps://imgur.com/WjxzA1XSignature codes:Jr Member:
ToBet - Gaming platform based on EOS blockchain
Crash - Three Duke - Happy Bull - Blackjack - Dice - Slots |
ToBet - Gaming platform based on EOS blockchain
Crash - Three Duke - Happy Bull - Blackjack - Dice - Slots | https://tobet.one
[url=https://tobet.one]ToBet - Gaming platform based on EOS blockchain
● ● ● Crash - Three Duke - Happy Bull - Blackjack - Dice - Slots ● ● ●[/url]
▼[url=https://tobet.one/crash]Crash[/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/threeduke]Thress Duke[/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/bull]Happy Bull[/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/blackjack]Blackjack[/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/dice]Dice[/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/fruit]Slots[/url]▲ ▼[url=https://t.me/tobet_EN]Telegram[/url]▲
Full Member:
[url=https://tobet.one][color=black][b][color=red]ToBet[/color] - Gaming [color=red][b]platform[/color] based on [color=red][b]EOS blockchain[/b][/color]
[color=red]●[/color] ● [color=red]●[/color] [color=red][b]Crash[/b][/color] Three Duke [color=red][b]Happy Bull[/b][/color] Blackjack [color=red][b]Dice[/b][/color] Slots [color=red]●[/color] ● [color=red]●[/color][/url]
[color=red]▼[url=https://tobet.one/crash][color=black][b]Crash[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/threeduke][color=black][b]Three Duke[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/bull][color=black][b]Happy Bull[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/blackjack][color=black][b]Blackjack[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/dice][color=black][b]Dice[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/fruit][color=black][b]Slots[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://t.me/tobet_EN][color=black][b]Telegram[/b][/color][/url]▲
Sr Member and Hero/Legendary:
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[url=https://tobet.one][color=black][b][color=red]ToBet[/color] - Gaming [color=red][b]platform[/color] based on [color=red][b]EOS blockchain[/b][/color]
[color=red]●[/color] ● [color=red]●[/color] [color=red][b]Crash[/b][/color] Three Duke [color=red][b]Happy Bull[/b][/color] Blackjack [color=red][b]Dice[/b][/color] Slots [color=red]●[/color] ● [color=red]●[/color][/url]
[color=red]▼[url=https://tobet.one/crash][color=black][b]Crash[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/threeduke][color=black][b]Three Duke[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/bull][color=black][b]Happy Bull[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/blackjack][color=black][b]Blackjack[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/dice][color=black][b]Dice[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://tobet.one/fruit][color=black][b]Slots[/b][/color][/url]▲ ▼[url=https://t.me/tobet_EN][color=black][b]Telegram[/b][/color][/url]▲
Section 2: Content (Medium/Steemit) bounty campaign
Allocated tokens:6M TOB
Section Rules:1. Maximum number of participants is 100.
2. Participant’s account on Medium/Steemit must be original. Bot, fake or inactive accounts will not be accepted in the bounty.
3. You need to have at least 50 subscribers/followers on your account/blog. If there are no followers on that platform, your post must receive at least 100 views.
4. Article must be original, directly related to ToBet (game introduction, strategies, token economy, etc.) and contain at least 400 words, all major languages are accepted.
5. The article must include a link to your bitcointalk account and a link to our official website
https://tobet.one. You can use ToBet's official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials.
6. Plagiarism or copying one's article and submitting it as your own will not be accepted, and will lead to disqualification.
7. Posts submitted will be graded depending on the quality, audience reached, authenticity, and relevance to ToBet.
Rewards for 1 Article: 50,000 TOB for normal quality, 100,000 TOB for good quality and 500,000 TOB for high quality.
> 100 views: +10,000 TOB
> 500 views: +30,000 TOB
> 1000 views: +50,000 TOB
With more than 500 Followers +50,000 TOB
How to participate:1. Follow our Medium account:
https://medium.com/@tobetio 2. Fill up the spreadsheet:
HERE3. Post your weekly content reports on this bounty thread using the format below:
Medium account URL: *if chosen*
Number of real followers:
Steemit account URL: *if chosen*
Number of real followers:
Week number: week 1
Posts URL:
Section 3: YouTube bounty campaign
Allocated tokens:6M TOB
Section Rules:1. Maximum number of participants is 100.
2. You need to have at least 100 subscribers on your channel. If there are no subscribers on that platform, your video must receive at least 500 views.
3. Video must be original, directly related to ToBet (game play, strategies, platform introduction, etc.) and at least 2 min long.
4. The Video must be publicly available and must contain ToBet in its title.
5. All languages are accepted. We would be appreciated if the video is in English.
6. Video description must include a link to your Bitcointalk account and a link to our official website
7. Plagiarism or copying one's video and submitting it as your own will not be accepted, and will result to disqualification.
8. Videos submitted will be graded depending on the quality, audience reached, authenticity, and relevance to ToBet.
Rewards:With more than 100 views: 10,000 TOB
With more than 500 views: 30,000 T0B
With more than 1000 views: 50,000 T0B
With more than 500 Subscribers +10,000 TOB
How to participate:1. Subscribe our YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbALYY-LXWA1HJ73d7h1-zA?view_as=subscriber2. Fill up the spreadsheet:
HERE3. Post your videos on this bounty thread using the format below:
YouTube channel URL: *if chosen*
Number of real subscribers:
Week number: week 1
Videos URL:
Section 4: Twitter bounty campaign
Allocated tokens:2M TOB
Section Rules:1. Maximum number of participants is 200.
2. Twitter account must be at least 6 (six) months old and have at least 100 Real Followers. verified via:
3. The number of your followers will not be updated after your registration in the bounty campaign.
4. Twitter Account doesn’t perform excessive or unusual activity.
5. Tweets must be relevant to ToBet and contain 2 hashtags #ToBet# and #EOS#.
6. Nonsence, short comments like “nice/cool/great exchange” etc won’t be accepted and could result on disqualification.
7. To remain eligible for bounty prize a participant can not remove tweets, retweets or delete likes, or otherwise undo the required actions listed above during the bounty campaign.
8. Any participant found making misleading/false facts, copied, duplicated, non-sense or plain spam comments/tweets will lead to disqualification.
9. Limitations:
Maximum of 5 tweets per day
Maximum of 5 retweets per day
Rewards for 1 tweet/retweet:100- 500 followers: 300 TOB
500- 1500 followers: 500 TOB
1501- 5000 followers: 800 TOB
5000 + followers: 1,000 TOB
How to participate:1. Follow our Twitter account:
https://twitter.com/tobet_io2. Fill up the spreadsheet:
HERE3. Post your weekly twitter reports on this bounty thread using the format below
Twitter account URL:
Number of real followers:
Week number: week 1
Tweets/Retweets URL:
Section 5: Reddit bounty campaign
Allocated tokens:2M TOB
Section Rules:1. Maximum number of participants is 200.
2. Participants must be active Reddit users with at least 25 karma. Posts and comments from users that have negative karma will not be accepted.
3. Participants account must be original, open for public access and at 3 months old. Bot, fake or inactive accounts will not be accepted in the bounty.
4. Posts/comments must be posted on relevant subreddits every week. Each post must contain at least 50 words / comment 30 words. Nonsence, short comments like “nice/cool/great exchnage” etc won’t be accepted.
5. Participants may use ToBet's official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials.
6. Any participant found making misleading/false facts, copied, duplicated, non-sense or plain spam comments/posts will lead to disqualification.
7. Limitations:
Maximum of 5 upvotes per day
Maximum of 3 posts per day
Rewards:1 Post/repost: 10,000 TOB
How to participate:1. Follow our Reddit account:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Tobet2. Fill up the spreadsheet:
HERE3. Post your weekly Reddit reports on this bounty thread using the format below:
Reddit account URL:
Week number: week 1
Upvotes/Posts URL:
We are open for your propositions regarding other activities that are not mentioned in Bounty Program.
For proposals, questions, suggestions, please feel free to contact our admins in Telegram group