Bounty ENDED
We are glad to announce the launch of the bounty campaign. Hurry up to join!
We are allocating 3% (4 200 000 NRX) for our bounty campaign
General Rules
Campaign starts: August 30
Campaign ends: November 30, 2018
- The Bounty manager and the Team reserve the right to make changes to the conditions at any time (except distribution)
- It is necessary to join our Telegram chat
- Any offensive or inappropriate behavior will lead to an immediate disqualification from the campaign
- A mandatory rule when submitting reports is the requirement to write new reports every week. You do not need to edit your old message.
- It is forbidden to write about the bounty in the main telegram chat. Violation will entail ban and removal from the campaign
- Using multiaccounts, cheating and spamming are not allowed. It will results getting all of your accounts permanently banned
- If you have any questions please ask us directly in the thread or here:
- Participants must make reports every Thursday;
Bounty program consist of:
AirDrop 100 000 NRX.
Signatures Campaign 16%
Twitter Campaign 22%
Facebook Campaign 21%
Articles Campaign 14%
Youtube Campaign 16%
LinkedIn Campaign 5%
Translations Campaign 6%
If you have any questions please ask us directly in the thread or here:
100 000 NRX for the first 10 000 participants!
The first 10,000 participants will receive 10 NRX each!
100 000 NRX for install app and positive feedback!
$20 for app install and positive feedback in app store/google play
You will get 40 NRX for install app and positive feedback in app store/google play.
You will receive 1 stake if you have less than 1000 subscribers
You will receive 2 stakes if you have more than 1000 subscribers
- Each participant must be subscribed to our official Facebook page;
- Your Facebook account must be real. We do not accept fake accounts;
- You must have at least 100 real subscribers / friends;
- Each participant should inform about their reports every Thursday;
- You must do at least 1 post a week about the project. Posts must be at least 100 characters long and contain hashtags #Neironix #blockchain #security #ICO
- You will receive 1 stake for each post about the project (max 5 posts on week).
- You can make up to 5 reposts a week;
You will receive 1 stake if you have less than 1000 subscribers
You will receive 2 stakes if you have more than 1000 subscribers
- Each participant must be subscribed to our Twitter.;
- Your audit score should be more than 85%;
- You must have at least 100 real subscribers;
- You can make up to 5 retweets a week;
- Each participant must report on their retweets every Thursday;
- You must do at least 1 post a week about the project. Posts must be at least 100 characters long and contain hashtags #Neironix #blockchain #security #ICO
- You will receive 1 stake for each post about the project (max 5 posts on week).
You will receive 1 stake if you have less than 1000 subscribers
You will receive 2 stakes if you have more than 1000 subscribers
- Each participant must be subscribed to our official LinkedIn page;
- Your Linkedin account must be real. We do not accept fake accounts;
- You must have at least 200 real subscribers / friends;
- Each participant should inform about their reports every Thursday;
- You can make up to 5 shares a week;
- You must do at least 1 post a week about the project. Posts must be at least 100 characters long and contain hashtags #Neironix #blockchain #security #ICO
- You will receive 1 stake for each post about the project (max 5 posts on week).
Ok: 10
Good: 30 stakes
Great: 50 stakes
(depending on the quality of your article)
- Your account for writing articles must have at least 50 subscribers
Recommended blogs: Steemit, Medium, Golos; - Your article should be unique and have at least 1000 characters;
- Articles are accepted in English only.
- We do not accept articles that are written on the websites:,
- You should put links in your article to our website and WP;
- Any plagiarism will disqualify you from campaign;
• 50 - 200 views in the first 14 days – 5 Stakes;
• 201 - 500 views in the first 14 days – 10 Stakes;
• 501 - 1000 views in the first 14 days – 20 Stakes;
• 1001 - 2000 views in the first 14 days – 40 Stakes;
• 2001+ views in the first 14 days – 100 Stakes;
- The video on Youtube should be at least 2 minutes long;
- You must have at least 500 subscribers;
- There should be a link to our website and WP in the description of your video;
- Your video should be about one of the sections of the site: Mass Media, Crypto events, etc. Just choose;
5 stakes for whitepaper translation
5 stakes for methodology translation
7 stakes for site translation
5 stakes for Onepager translation
- It is forbidden to use Google Translate or other automatic translators;
- We accept only a high-quality translation;
- You must complete translation of ANN within 2 days
(10 days for WP/Site/Methodology) after you have started; - You will be officially appointed for translation only AFTER you receive a PM confirmation from me (SocialCloud);
- Translators of ANN threads should moderate their threads;
Whitepaper: following languages are required for translations:- German
- Spanish
- Korean
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Turkish
- Chinese
- Italian
- Arabic
Weekly rewards:
Jr. Member: 1 stake per week
Member: 2 stakes per week
Full Member: 3 stakes per week
Senior Member: 5 stakes per week
Hero Member: 7 stakes per week
Legendary: 10 stakes per week
- Rank of participants at least Jr. Member;
- Bitcointalk accounts with negative trust ratings are not suitable for the campaign;
- Each participant must have our signature and picture;
- Participants must publish at least 10 constructive messages a week. Only 3 of these
messages can be published in local topics; - Messages in the Marketplace; Off-topic; Archival; Marketplace (Altcoins) will not be considered;
- You must have our signature, image and account text, until the campaign ends, otherwise
you will not be awarded a reward;
Token Sale starts on September 1[/center]
[center] ►► [url=]NEIRONIX | SECURITY FROM CRYPTO & ICO SCAM[/url] ◄◄
[[url=]WP[/url]] • • ❮ [url=]Token Sale starts on September 1, 2018[/url] ❯ • • [[url=]ANN[/url]]
[url=]T E L E G R A M |[/url] [url=]TWITTER[/url] | [url=]R E D D I T[/url] | [url=]MEDIUM[/url] | [url=]F A C E B O O K[/center]
Full Member:
[center] [color=#69bda8]►[/color]► [font=ARIAL BLACK][url=][color=#69bda8]NEIRONIX[/color][/font] | [i][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][url=][color=black]SECURITY FROM CRYPTO & ICO SCAM[/i] ◄[color=#69bda8]◄[/color]
[font=ARIAL][url=][color=black][WP][/font] [color=#69bda8]• •[/color] ❮ [font=CALIBRI][url=][color=#69bda8][b]Token Sale starts on[/color][/font] [font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][url=][color=black]September 1, 2018[/font] ❯ [color=#69bda8]••[/color] [font=ARIAL][url=][color=black][ANN][/font]
[font=IMPACT][url=][color=black]T E L E G R A M[/url] | [u][url=][color=#69bda8]TWITTER[/color][/url][/u] | [url=][color=black]R E D D I T[/url] | [u][url=][color=#69bda8]MEDIUM[/color][/url][/u] | [url=][color=black]F A C E B O O K[/center]
[center][table][tr][td][size=2px][tt][url=][color=#1b9ea3] ,ooooooooooo ,oooooooooooooooo_
[color=#1c9ea2]d████████████b ██████████████████
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[td][size=19pt][url=][font=CALIBRI][color=#69bda8][b][color=transparent]....[/color]N E I R O N I X[color=transparent]....[/color]
[size=9pt][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][color=#292f3c][color=transparent].[/color]SECURITY FROM CRYPTO & ICO SCAM[/td]
[td][size=10pt][url=][color=#292f3c][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM]WHITE PAPER[/url][b]_________________
[size=8pt][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][url=][color=black]TELEGRAM[/url] [u][url=][color=#69bda8]TWITTER[/color][/url][/u] [url=][color=black]FACEBOOK[/url] [u][url=][color=#69bda8]MEDIUM[/color][/url][/u] [url=][color=black]REDDIT[/font]
[size=10pt][color=transparent]...................................[/color][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][url=][color=#69bda8]ANN THREAD[/td]
[td][size=30pt][url=][font=FANTASY][color=#69bda8][color=transparent].[/color]S A [color=#292f3c]L[/color] E[color=transparent].[/td]
[td][size=14pt][url=][font=FANTASY][color=black]s t a r t s [color=#69bda8]o n
[font=FANTASY][color=#292f3c]SE[color=#69bda8]P[/color]TE[color=#69bda8]MBE[/color]R 1, 20[color=#69bda8]18[/tr][/table][/center]
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[center][table][tr][td][size=2px][tt][url=][color=#1b9ea3] ,ooooooooooo ,oooooooooooooooo_
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[td][size=19pt][url=][glow=#69bda8,2][font=CALIBRI][color=#fff][b][color=transparent].[/color]N E I R O N I X[color=transparent]........[/color][/glow]
[size=9pt][glow=#292f3c,2][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][color=#fff][color=transparent].[/color]SECURITY FROM CRYPTO & ICO SCAM[color=transparent].[/color][/td]
[td][size=10pt][url=][glow=#292f3c,2][color=#fff][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][color=transparent]..[/color]WHITE PAPER[color=transparent].............................................[/color][/glow][/url]
[size=8pt][glow=#ffff,2][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][url=][color=black] TELEGRAM[/url] [url=][color=#69bda8]TWITTER[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]FACEBOOK[/url] [url=][color=#69bda8]MEDIUM[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]REDDIT[/url][/font]
[size=10pt][glow=#69bda8,2][color=transparent].................................[/color][font=FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM][url=][color=black]ANN THREAD[color=transparent]..[/td]
[td][size=28pt][url=][font=FANTASY][glow=#292f3c,2][color=#69bda8][color=transparent].[/color]S A [color=#fff]L[/color] E[color=transparent].[/color][/glow][/td]
[td][size=14pt][url=][font=FANTASY][glow=#fff,2][color=black][color=transparent]..[/color]s t a r t s [color=#69bda8]o n[color=transparent]..................[/color]
[font=FANTASY][glow=#292f3c,2][color=#fff][color=transparent]..[/color]SE[color=#69bda8]P[/color]TE[color=#69bda8]MBE[/color]R 1, 20[color=#69bda8]18[color=transparent]..[/td][/tr][/table][/center]
,ooooooooooo ,oooooooooooooooo_ d████████████b ██████████████████ d██b ___ ]██b ███ ___ ███ d██b,████p]██b ooo███ d███b ooo███ ]██b Y███P]██b ]████o ███ Y███F ██████ ]██b ]███ ]██b ]██████o Y█P ███[ ██████ooo. ]██b ]███ ]██b ]███ Y███o ███[ ██████ d████' d██b ]███ ]██b `███o `Y███L ███[ ██████ ,███PP' d████b ]███ ]██b Y███o `Y███L ███[ ███ `"' ,d██P' ,███M██b ]███ ]██b __.Y███L `Y███L███[ ███ ,d██P' ,███P']██b ]███ ]██b,████b`Y███L `Y█████[ ███ ,d██P' d██P' d██b ]███ ]██b.Y████o `Y███L `Y███' ███ d██P' d██p d███P J███ Y███o_ Y███L `Y███. `"' ██████ d███P d███P' o███' Y███o Y███L `Y███. ██████,███P' d███P' o███P Y███o Y███L `Y██b. Y███████P' _,███P' ,███P ___ ,██b. Y███o Y███. `███b.███P' ,████P' ]██b,d███p]████b_ Y███L `████████b. ███ `████' ]██b Y███P]██████o `YP' ██████`Y██b ███ ]██b ]███ ]██b Y██b ████████████ ]██b ]███ ]██b ]██b ███. `'' ██████ ]██b ]███ ]██b ]██b Y███. ██████ ]██bod███ d███.]██b `Y███L d███L ███ `███████P`████P`██P `Y█P ████P Y█P | .N E I R O N I X........ .SECURITY FROM CRYPTO & ICO SCAM. | │ | ..WHITE PAPER............................................. TELEGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK MEDIUM REDDIT .................................ANN THREAD.. | .S A L E. | ..s t a r t s o n.................. ..SEPTEMBER 1, 2018.. |
Welcome and Good Luck!