So 95%, where did the other 5% go?
To me.
Lauda, I participated in the Signature, Twitter, and Facebook Campaigns. I've put the wrong Zixx address. Before it's too late, Please replace my old Zixx address with the new Zixx address.
bajigur894784Old Zixx address:
zBPstShgge6iDzwftyGbsZ79Ga4xtr3bR2New Zixx address:
zHHZ4Wg1MhUbNbPW6cRXhnFgAjgoBkZRqRThanks. Regards.
You need to tell me exactly where in the Twitter and Facebook campaigns.
Twitter campaignSequence number on the spreadsheet:
Week 1 - 103
Week 2 - 143
Week 3 - 159 (already with new Zixx address)
Week 4 - *has not entered a report*
Facebook campaignSequence number on the spreadsheet:
Week 1 - 115
Week 2 - 153
Week 3 - 159 (already with new Zixx address)
Week 4 - *has not entered a report*
And, now, I also participate in content campaigns.
Handled. Please double check all those changes (marked in yellow).
I think that Submiting 15 entry in only single day is spam.
You don't need to think, you can be certain.
I have a profound hate towards spammers and abusers of any kind.
Hey Lauda,
Are we allowed to change the signature?
Just to be safe, I'd wait on the official end of the campaign from the word from Lauda. Wouldn't want to throw all of this effort away at this point, eh?
There's no need to worry, had there been an extension in the requirement for wearing the signature I would have notified you. You are allowed to remove it.
The signature campaign has been finalized. You can double check your calculations (those who have any stakes are in the - Final sheet;
everyone is included in the trashcan sheet). I will tell the team to delay the payments for a few days so that you can notify me if you think something is wrong. Please do so primarily via PM. If I don't respond, you can assume that your case has been reviewed and denied.