If you have queries, please ask in our Telegram group @velicfinancial or Telegram PM bounty manager @hisdearqueen.
A Crypto-Finance Ecosystem, Secure by Design
ABOUT VELIC VELIC is a security-focused crypto-finance platform, upon which a range of advanced products and services are being built and delivered. VELIC’s goal is to provide access to the crypto-finance arena for prudent investors, including institutions. The VELIC suite of crypto-financial services will include Asset Management, Loans and Vault Services. The platform will be tied together by the VELIC crypto exchange. VELIC utilizes a proprietary ‘Secret Sharing’ protocol to deliver institutional grade security. Under this protocol, private keys are encrypted and then divided into “shares” for storage by multiple verified holders, including those outside the VELIC ecosystem. Shares cannot be synthesized by VELIC or any of the storages alone and the individual shares are of no use on their own, thus eliminating any single point of failure.
ABOUT BOUNTY CAMPAIGN US$100,000 worth of VELlC Tokens (VELT) are available for distribution through our bounty campaign for a period of 8 weeks.
This is divided into six parts:
1) Website Registration (20%): Fixed-token allocation
2) Bitcointalk Signature (25%): Stakes-based
3) Written/Video Content Creation (15%): Fixed-token allocation
4) Twitter/Facebook Campaign (20%): Fixed-token allocation
5) Reddit/Forum Campaign (10%): Fixed-token allocation
6) Telegram Engagement/KakaoTalk Campaign (10%): Stakes-based
To join, please register for an account at https://www.velic.io (You can find instructions and more details under “Website Registration” campaign. You will receive VELT rewards for registering! Also, you will need to have an account to receive VELT earned from the bounty.For all participants, As Proof of Authentication (POA), please post on this thread 1) Your Bitcointalk username, 2) Telegram username, 3) Email address you used to register on VELIC website and 4) Which campaign(s) you are participating in. Tracking of activities: 1) Website Registration: POA. NO Google form.
2) Bitcointalk Signature Campaign: POA + Change your signature/avatar. NO Google form.
3) Written/Video Content Creation Campaign: POA + Fill in Google form.
4) Facebook and Twitter Campaign: POA + Update activities on thread weekly. NO Google form.
5) Reddit/Forum Campaign: POA + Update activities on thread weekly. NO Google form.
6) Telegram Engagement/Kakao Campaign: POA + Fill in Google form.
Week 1: Jan 2 (Wed)-- Jan 6 (Sun) Week 2: Jan 7 (Mon) -- Jan 13 (Sun)
Week 3: Jan 14 (Mon) -- Jan 20 (Sun) Week 4: Jan 21 (Mon) -- Jan 27 (Sun)
Week 5: Jan 28 (Mon) -- Feb 3 (Sun) Week 6: Feb 4 (Mon) -- Feb 10 (Sun)
Week 7: Feb 11 (Mon) -- Feb 17 (Sun) Week 8: Feb 18 (Mon) -- Feb 24 (Sun)
The week usually begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. Please ensure that your activities are updated in this thread and Google forms are filled in weekly by the following Tuesday, otherwise your stakes may be forfeited.
The Master Spreadsheet
www.bit.ly/VELICbounty will be updated on a weekly basis, usually on Thursday.
If you have any queries/questions about the bounty, please contact bounty manager @hisdearqueen on Telegram.
Disclaimer: The awarding of stakes is up to the bounty campaign’s team discretion. We reserve the right to disqualify any participants who engage in dishonest behaviours.
Step 1 → Newsletter Subscription: 150 VELT
Step 2 → Website Registration: 500 VELT
Step 3 → OTP Set-up: Additional 150 VELT
Step 4 → KYC Verification: Additional 1,000 VELT
You MUST register for an account at VELIC website to receive tokens earned from the bounty. • This is based on fixed-token allocation, there are no stakes involved.
• If you complete all 4 sections of website registration (Register, subscribe to the the newsletter, set up OTP and verify KYC), you will receive 1,800 VELT.
• Each user is only entitled to register using one email account.
• If you are found to use multiple accounts, ALL YOUR BOUNTY tokens will be forfeited.
STAKES ALLOCATION:• Member: 2 stakes weekly for minimum 15 posts weekly
• Full: 3 stakes weekly for minimum 15 posts weekly
• Sr: 5 stakes weekly for minimum 15 posts weekly
• Hero: 7 stakes weekly for minimum 15 posts weekly
• Legendary: 9 stakes weekly for minimum 15 posts weekly
It is COMPULSORY for those eligible to change your avatar to VELIC avatar. RULES: •
Please change your signature to VELIC signature before doing Proof of Authentication. • Your forum posts must all be of quality content that is insightful and not of copy-and-paste material.
• If your rank changes, please inform bounty manager so we can allocate your stakes accordingly.
AVATAR LINK: http://bit.ly/VELICavatar SIGNATURE CODES + PREVIEW MEMBERS (Click here for link to code) FULL (Click here for link to code) SENIOR (Click here for link to code)