can you please recheck again? my telegram username is @MrZeeN
Thank you
Hello there. Thanks.
The last PM we received from you was on Dec 02, via Telegram, with the following contents:
I want to claim my stake for telegram bounty campaign
my spreadsheet is number 16
my ETH wallet is 0xCD2bA98fA75B629302b3e919A49ef744EB639D59
hopefully i wasn't late to claim
Thank you"
The rules of our telegram campaign are as follows:
"Members must be active and supportive in the group.
Spam and use of foul language is not permitted and will lead to disqualification"
After analysing your participation in the group, we have found only 3 posts from you:
November 24 2017 - "Hello
Should i send a Massages to claim my stake for twitter,facebook,medium, and telegram campaign?? now or later??"
December 23 2017 - "Please update my spreadsheet for Telegram Campaign
I have sent you a PM for details, please check it
Thank you"
3 Posts within the space of three months means you have not satisfied the criteria - which states: "Members must be active and supportive in the group."
Unfortunately, you are not eligible to receive stakes in our Telegram campaign.
The Meridian Team