you r absolutely right!! THe project is developing and new and new features are always appearing. thr best example is exchange that was promised to be open but the deadlines were always rescheduling by the devs. the paid haters were frankly gloating but that was their gross mistake bcoz the exchange is finally 0PEN!! it see,s to me that thiis is the best proof of no scam at all, yup !!
yup the exchange is finally OPEN and I personally was nicely astonished by the relatively large scale of trading volumes - -about 23.2 btc was today !and by the mosT rediculous fee ever - - just 0.01%
Yesterday I exchanged dash to tether over there. whatsmore the exchanging rate was the best one in comparison with ither exchangers like binance or hitbtc.
after exchange platform launching the token price went up, I was lucky to buy wrc in advance,still wait,still hosl
Hahhaahha though fucking paidposters of ukranian bandits Pestyuk and Prochihuan continue their dirty deals BUT they ha ve said still nothing against the prioject after worldcore.trase was launched, they just swallowed their tongues loool lol lol
Too be more exact))) the exchange firstly has aa user-friendly interface & secondly zerolike fee $$
just browse the exchabge rates, they can be more a less profitable, it depends you know