Once you have entered the bounty portals, enter the monaize's twitter page, unfollow it first, then click follow. maybe it will be fine.
Can we get a support reply to this? Mine aren't updating, im retweeting way more than 3 a day, am i losing out on stakes because of the portal?
We have been keeping up with this thread - I appreciate all of you who are assisting each other. I have been in extensive contact with the team and Irfan, and it seems that this is a temporary issue with the BountyPortals site. He is working with the developer personally.
If you have an ETHEREUM ADDRESS PLEASE CHANGE IT TO YOUR *KMD* ADDRESS WHERE YOU HOLD THE PRIVATE KEYS. I repeat *NO ETHEREUM ADDRESSES* as we really cant do anything with them. This is *not* an ERC 20 token.
This option will be unlocked within the coming days and you will be able to change this. It must be your wallet (I suggest Agama or Paperwallet until our wallets are released - which are coming very very soon).
If you put an ETH address on your account. We will not be able to distribute bounties to you. Again I repeat - you will *forefit your shares*.
Your re-tweets my not have been tracking appropriately and we are working with the DEVs on this. But your shares are safe as long as you have everything filled out appropriately or do so before the end of the dICO.
The facebook shares, telegram, and slack shares will also be added up accordingly along with all the Forum bounties at the end of the dICO
Thanks so much for helping us make this ICO awesome! Keep up the great work!
If you have any questions please post here, or DM either myself or Irfan with concerns. Also check out our slack/telegram channels where we can assist you officially in real time =)
Thanks guys Was missing about 15+ shares from retweets, so was quite worried!