The campaign has been EXTENDED BY 2 WEEKS! (due to ICO being extended by 2 weeks as well) Dev's have confirmed that there will be a budget increase, that will be proportional, I'll get final number in USD/MTV tomorrow.
Since the increase in the budget might not be 50% of the 1 MIL tokens, I have closed all campaigns for new participants. So, worst case scenario, you'll have to do 2 more weeks of work to support MTV for the last week's of the ICO.
Here is a quick FAQ I wrote up, feel free to ask more questions on the thread
How will distribution be done? Will people who don't have MTV accounts/KYC get tokens?
I will be assigning stakes via how many people where accepted, it won't matter if they completed KYC or not, they'll just need to have an account to recieve the tokens (you need KYC to withdraw, you will still be able to see the tokens in your account dashboard, but you wont be able to withdraw them unless you complete KYC).
What day do we submit our report now? Wasn't old bounty week end on Thursday?
We have now changed the date for reporting to be from Tuesday to Tuesday. As of posting this post, Week 5 is OPEN and you are able to post your reports.
When can I withdraw my token?
You can withdraw from the MTV dashboard when the ICO ends.
Can you approve my KYC, please?
I am not part of the people who are checking KYC, please don't message me to get your KYC checked, it's getting quite annoying now.
When will the spreadsheet be finalized?
After the weekend, although the content will likely be delayed since I had overwhelming participation for that campaign. I will have telegram, signature, twitter and facebook all counted and finalized after the weekend. All done now.
When will tokens be sent to our MTV accounts?
Within this month all the campaigns except the blog will be sent. The blog campaign is still being checked and it's uncertain when it'll be finished since it's 1000 blogs.
What's the deadline for passing KYC?
There is none. You need an account to receive tokens but KYC to withdraw. Just make an account so I can send you your tokens.
PS: I have answered all PMs.
About the projectMultiversum is an interoperable blockchain that utilizes a groundbreaking, relational “multidimensional structure” to store data for businesses, enterprises,government, banks, and any organization seeking to harness the power of blockchain technology for their operations.Important info and bounty token allocationWelcome to the Multiversum Bounty Campaign! This is the second bounty campaign for Multiversum and is entirely different from the first one. Therefore, please refrain from asking questions about the first one here. If you have any questions about the first Multiversum Bounty Campaign, please ask them here.
The bounty campaign will last for 4 weeks and tokens will be sent by smart contract after ICO (no later than 40 days).
KYC IS REQUIRED, for more read this post.
The bounty budget is 1,000,000 MTV and distribution is as goes:
General Rules
Any kind of cheating, use of multiple accounts and spamming are prohibited and will result in refusal of your right to participate in the bounty campaign and referral program
The participant tokens will be counted weekly. Non-fulfillment of the Multiversum bounty campaign and referral program rules shall result in banning of the participant from the campaign and resetting their participant tokens. If you have any questions concerning participation in the Multiversum bounty campaign and referral program, join the Telegram group and you will be attended to ASAP.
You must indicate a valid ETH wallet upon signing up for the Multiversum bounty campaign. Changing of ETH wallets will not be allowed. Don't get hacked.
Twitter Campaign
How to Join
Follow the official Twitter page of Multiversum here.
Submit the registration form here.
Submit your weekly activity log in this thread using the following format:
The week will close at Thursday 8 AM Forum time. A post will be made and any reports that are posted after that post will not be counted.
You must be following the official Twitter page of Multiversum here.
You must have at least 200 followers on Twitter
You must score at least 85% or more on the Twitter Audit website ( in order to qualify and only your real followers will count.
You must make 5 retweets and 2 custom tweets a week. Not achieving these tasks will mean no tokens for the week and no extra actions apart from 5 shares and 2 custom posts a week will count.
The number of your friends will not be updated after your registration in the bounty campaign
Customs tweets must include a link to the website ( and the hashtag "#Multiversum".
NEW RULE 7/3 - Users that aren't submitting the correct week/format for the social media campaigns will not receive stakes for the week.
How to Submit a report
Bitcointalk Name
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Twitter Profile:
Follower Count:
Retweet Link #1:
Retweet Link #2:
Retweet Link #3:
Retweet Link #4:
Retweet Link #5:
Custom Tweet #1:
Custom Tweet #2:
ETH Address
Then after the current round ends, post a new one.
200 to 999 Followers: 1 Stake
1000 to 5000+ Followers: 3 Stakes
Spreadsheet Link
Facebook Campaign
How to Join
Follow the official Facebook page of Multiversum here.
Submit the registration form here.
Submit your weekly activity log in this thread using the following format:
The week will close at Thursday 8 AM Forum time. A post will be made and any reports that are posted after that post will not be counted.
You must be following the official Facebook page of Multiversum here.
You must have at least 200 friends on Facebook
Your Facebook account must be real as our bounty program managers will be checking accounts of all participants
You must make 5 shares and 2 custom posts a week. Not achieving these tasks will mean no tokens for the week and no extra actions apart from 5 shares and 2 custom posts a week will count.
The number of your friends will not be updated after your registration in the bounty campaign
Customs posts must include a link to the website ( and the hashtag "Multiversum".
NEW RULE 7/3 - Users that aren't submitting the correct week/format for the social media campaigns will not receive stakes for the week.
How to Submit a report
Bitcointalk Name
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Facebook Profile:
Friend Count:
Share Link #1:
Share Link #2:
Share Link #3:
Share Link #4:
Share Link #5:
Custom Post #1:
Custom Post #2:
ETH Address
Then after the current round ends, post a new one.
200 to 999 Friends: 1 Stake
1000 to 5000+ Friends: 3 Stakes
Spreadsheet Link
Signature Campaign
How to Join
Use one of the signatures published below in your signature field. Choice of the signature must depend on your forum rank
Submit your signature campaign participation request in this thread using this form here.
Your forum rank must be at least Member in order to qualify
You must not have negative trust
You must publish at least 10 relevant and serious posts every week by 6 PM on Thursday.
Your posts published in Off-topic, Archival Posts, local boards and any bounty threads will not be included in your total weekly post count
Spamming is prohibited and will result in your banning you from the campaign
Using multiple signatures is prohibited.
New Rule - May 9 : Min of 150 characters for an accepted post.
You must contact us using this thread if you are planning to change your signature for a different project?s signature. In the contrary case, you may lose your weekly signature tokens.
Member: 1 stake/week
Full member: 3 stakes/week
Senior member: 4 stakes/week
Hero/Legendary member: 5 stakes/week
Signature Codes
[url=]█≣≣≣ MULTIVERSUM ≣≣≣█▐[u]▃4th GenerationRelational Blockchain▃[/u]▌[/url][url=]Pre-ICO-Starts on 01 March,2018 until 31 March 2018[/url]
[url=]WHITE PAPER[/url] [url=]ANN THREAD[/url] [url=]3rd part blockchain applications infrastructure[/url]
✔ [url=]Reddit[/url] ✔ [url=]Medium[/url] ✔ [url=]Facebook[/url] ✔ [url=]Telegram[/url] ✔ [url=]Twitter[/url] ✔
Full Member[center]
[url=][color=#d027a7]█≣≣≣[b][color=#6f55f8]M[/color][color=#8f46dd]U[/color][color=#b036c2]L[/color][color=#d027a7]T[/color][color=#d63291]I[/color][color=#db3c7b]V[/color][color=#e14764]E[/color][color=#e6514e]R[/color][color=#ea5a3d]S[/color][color=#ed632b]U[/color][color=#f16c1a]M[/color][/b]≣≣≣█▐[u]▃[b][color=#5776f5]4[/color][color=#606ff1]t[/color][color=#6868ed]h[/color] [color=#7a5be5]G[/color][color=#8354e1]e[/color][color=#8b4ddd]n[/color][color=#9446d9]e[/color][color=#9d3fd5]r[/color][color=#a639d1]a[/color][color=#ae32cd]t[/color][color=#b72bc9]i[/color][color=#bb2ec0]o[/color][color=#bf31b8]n[/color][color=#c233af]R[/color][color=#c636a6]e[/color][color=#ca399d]l[/color][color=#ce3c95]a[/color][color=#d13e8c]t[/color][color=#d54183]i[/color][color=#d9447a]o[/color][color=#dd4772]n[/color][color=#e04969]a[/color][color=#e44c60]l[/color] [color=#e75154]B[/color][color=#e9544e]l[/color][color=#ea5748]o[/color][color=#ec5a42]c[/color][color=#ed5c3d]k[/color][color=#ef5f37]c[/color][color=#f06231]h[/color][color=#f2652b]a[/color][color=#f36725]i[/color][color=#f56a1f]n[/color][/b]▃[/u]▌[/url][url=][color=#7353f7][b]Pre-ICO-Starts on 01 March,2018 until 31 March 2018[/b][/url]
[url=][b][color=#09072e]WHITE PAPER[/color][/b][/url] [url=][b][color=#09072e]ANN THREAD[/color][/b] [/url] [color=#7353f7][b]3rd part blockchain applications infrastructure[/b][/color]
✔ [url=][color=orange][b]Reddit[/b][/color][/url] ✔ [url=][color=orange][b]Medium[/b][/color][/url] ✔ [url=][color=orange][b]Facebook[/b][/color][/url] [b]✔[/b] [url=][color=orange][b]Telegram[/b][/color][/url] ✔ [url=][color=orange][b]Twitter[/b][/color][/url] ✔
Senior Member[center][table][tr][td][url=][size=2pt][tt] [color=#e7524b]
[color=#5776f5] ▀████████████████████████████▀[/color]
[color=#6f63ea] ██ ██[/color]
[color=#8751df] ██ ███████████████ ██[/color]
[color=#9f3ed4] ██ ██ ▄▄▄ ▄▄ ██ ██[/color]
[color=#b72bc9] ██ ██ ███ ██ ██[/color]
[color=#c636a6] ██ ██ █████ ██[/color]
[color=#d54183] ██ ██ ███ ██[/color]
[color=#e44c60] ██ ██ ██[/color]
[color=#e85450] ██ ██ ██[/color]
[color=#ed5b40] ██ ██ ██ [/color]
[color=#f1632f] ██ ████[/color]
[color=#f56a1f] ██ ██[/color]
[color=#f56a1f] ██ ▀
[/td][td][url=][font=Baskerville Old Face][size=22pt][b][color=#5776f5]M[/color][color=#775de6]U[/color][color=#9744d8]L[/color][color=#b72bc9]T[/color][color=#c233af]I[/color][color=#ce3c95]V[/color][color=#d9447a]E[/color][color=#e44c60]R[/color][color=#ea564a]S[/color][color=#ef6035]U[/color][color=#f56a1f]M[/color]
[/size][/td][td][url=][size=15pt][color=#5776f5]4[/color][color=#606ff1]t[/color][color=#6868ed]h[/color] [color=#7a5be5]G[/color][color=#8354e1]e[/color][color=#8b4ddd]n[/color][color=#9446d9]e[/color][color=#9d3fd5]r[/color][color=#a639d1]a[/color][color=#ae32cd]t[/color][color=#b72bc9]i[/color][color=#bb2ec0]o[/color][color=#bf31b8]n[/color][color=#c233af]R[/color][color=#c636a6]e[/color][color=#ca399d]l[/color][color=#ce3c95]a[/color][color=#d13e8c]t[/color][color=#d54183]i[/color][color=#d9447a]o[/color][color=#dd4772]n[/color][color=#e04969]a[/color][color=#e44c60]l[/color] [color=#e75154]B[/color][color=#e9544e]l[/color][color=#ea5748]o[/color][color=#ec5a42]c[/color][color=#ed5c3d]k[/color][color=#ef5f37]c[/color][color=#f06231]h[/color][color=#f2652b]a[/color][color=#f36725]i[/color][color=#f56a1f]n[/color][/url]
[font=calibri][size=9pt][b][url=][color=black] ✔ ANN THREAD [/color][/url][url=][color=black] ✔ FACEBOOK[/url] [url=][color=black]✔TELEGRAM[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]✔TWITTER[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]✔REDDIT[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]✔MEDIUM[/color][/url][/td][td][url=][size=7pt][color=#7353f7][b]Pre-ICO-Starts on 01 March,2018 until 31 March 2018
3rd part blockchain applications infrastructure [/size][/url]
[size=9pt][b][url=][color=black] WHITEPAPER [/color][/url][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Hero Member[center][table][tr][td][url=][size=2pt][tt] [color=#e7524b]
[color=#5776f5] ▀████████████████████████████▀[/color]
[color=#6f63ea] ██ ██[/color]
[color=#8751df] ██ ███████████████ ██[/color]
[color=#9f3ed4] ██ ██ ▄▄▄ ▄▄ ██ ██[/color]
[color=#b72bc9] ██ ██ ███ ██ ██[/color]
[color=#c636a6] ██ ██ █████ ██[/color]
[color=#d54183] ██ ██ ███ ██[/color]
[color=#e44c60] ██ ██ ██[/color]
[color=#e85450] ██ ██ ██[/color]
[color=#ed5b40] ██ ██ ██ [/color]
[color=#f1632f] ██ ████[/color]
[color=#f56a1f] ██ ██[/color]
[color=#f56a1f] ██ ▀
[/td][td][url=][font=Baskerville Old Face][size=22pt][b][color=#fff][glow=#527bf4,1] M[/glow][glow=#7859e2,1]U[/glow][glow=#9f36d1,1]L[/glow][glow=#c514bf,1]T[/glow][glow=#cd21a8,1]I[/glow][glow=#d42f91,1]V[/glow][glow=#dc3c7a,1]E[/glow][glow=#e34963,1]R[/glow][glow=#e9534e,1]S[/glow][glow=#ef5d3a,1]U[/glow][glow=#f56725,1]M [/glow] [/size][/td][td][url=][size=15pt][glow=#cd12e3,1][color=#fff][b]4th GenerationRelational Blockchain[/b][/glow][/url]
[font=calibri][size=9pt][b][url=][color=black] ✔ ANN THREAD [/color][/url][url=][color=black] ✔ FACEBOOK[/url] [url=][color=black]✔TELEGRAM[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]✔TWITTER[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]✔REDDIT[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]✔MEDIUM[/color][/url][/td][td][url=][size=7pt][glow=#7353f7,1][color=#fff][b]Pre-ICO-Starts on 01 March,2018 until 31 March 2018
3rd part blockchain applications infrastructure [/glow][/size][/url]
[size=9pt][b][url=][color=black] WHITEPAPER [/color][/url][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Spreadsheet Link
Content Campaign
How to Join
Submit the registration form here.
The content must be associated with Multiversum and its idea.
The content must be publicly accessible.
The content piece must feature a link to our official website (
The articles and blog posts must be at least 300 words long. Videos must be at least 5 minutes long and you must have at least 500 subscribers on YouTube/Vimeo.
In order to qualify, you must post at least 1 content piece over the 4 weeks
The content (images and music included) must be unique and must not infringe anyone?s copyright rights.
Rating of a content piece (both text and video) will be set by one of our bounty campaign managers depending on its quality and website rating. Be sure to provide us with the website traffic proof as it may influence the rating assessment of your article or video.
Content pieces published on new or low traffic websites/accounts will not be accepted. In order for a content piece to be accepted, the website/account it is published on must be at least 3 months old and have an acceptable level of activity.
Not accepted: 0 stakes
Low rating: 1 stake
Medium rating: 2 stakes
High rating: 3 stakes
Spreadsheet Link
Telegram Campaign
How to Join
Join the telegram channel here and then submit the registration form here.
No spamming in the telegram channel.
You must join and not leave until the 4 weeks are over.
You must not ask bounty questions in the channel, if you have any questions comment here, or join the bounty channel here.
1 stake per join
Spreadsheet Link