
Topic: [BOUNTY][Pre-ICO] [SATOSHI BREWERY] - $1 200 000 bounty campaign - page 9. (Read 4748 times)

full member
Activity: 630
Merit: 107
Reserving Hindi if Needed .
Activity: 140
Merit: 11
Satoshi Brewery
                        When I get the tokens?                        

When you register, please specify email, where you can be contacted to enroll rewards.
At the end of ICO, we will send you an email with a link to the form in which you need to specify your address.
Address of wallets is now not collected.
Please note that for the calculation of remuneration bounty takes some time.
Bounty campaign will last till 27 December.

The bounty reward will pay the team Satoshi Brewery.
Activity: 140
Merit: 11
Satoshi Brewery
reserve indonesian translation if needed

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, we do not need to be translated into Indonesian language. Thanks in advance.
Activity: 140
Merit: 11
Satoshi Brewery
interesting project and good luck for all involved in this project.
I join bounty facebook and twitter
I wonder when this ico will start?

ico starts on November 27. pre-ico is now. thanks for the support
full member
Activity: 812
Merit: 120
interesting project and good luck for all involved in this project.
I join bounty facebook and twitter
I wonder when this ico will start?
copper member
Activity: 938
Merit: 147
2 EZ 4 RTZ
reserve indonesian translation if needed
Activity: 140
Merit: 11
Satoshi Brewery



████████████ ☛ SATOSHI BREWERY ICO ☚  ████████████

[center][url=][b][u]████████████ ☛ SATOSHI BREWERY ICO ☚  ████████████[/u][/b]


Website | White Paper | Twitter | Facebook | Tread

[center][u]SATOSHI BREWERY ICO[/u]
[url=][b]Website[/b][/url][b] | [/b][url=][b]White Paper[/b][/url][b] | [/b][url=][b]Twitter[/b][/url][b] | [/b][url=][b]Facebook[/b][/url][b] | [/b][url=][b]Tread[/b][/url][/center]

Full Member

Activity: 140
Merit: 11
Satoshi Brewery

                        Project Creative Support                        

This is another possibility to promote SatoshiBrewery project and get the reward for that. It includes everything else that we did not mention above and what our supporters can offer. Feel free to make any propositions, as any help to the project is welcome. Nevertheless, mind that we still keep the right not to accept any poor formulated, unrealizable, irrelevant and so on applications. We can reject your offer without saying the concrete reason and you have to put up with it.

Anyway, we are glad to invite everyone to try its hand in supporting our project in any creative way.

Translation bounty is included in the "Project Creative Support", Please apply from the form of that.

Register your participation now and let’s start our collaboration! :
Activity: 140
Merit: 11
Satoshi Brewery
                                   SATOSHI BREWERY                                    
                               BOUNTY CAMPAIGN EN                                

SBL Token

      Token Name:   Satoshi Brewery Limited  
      Token Designation:   SBL  
      Maximal Token Number:   10 000 000 SBL  
      Token Standard:   ERC20  
      Token Price   $1,2  


1 000 000 SBL

40% Social Media
20% Signature Campaign
5% Publishing Campaign
15% Translations campaign
20% Project Support Satoshi Brewery

                                         Social Media                                          

Twitter Campaign

Register your participation here

You must have at least 150 subscribers.
All your tweets must be public
Be “Satoshi Brewery” Official Twitter follower until the end of the bounty campaign
Like & Retweet “Satoshi Brewery” tweets and get the stakes for it.
  • 1 retweet – 5 stakes
  • 2 retweets– 7 stakes
  • 3 and more – 10 stakes
Retweet Satoshi Brewery tweets regularly, otherwise, you won’t be rewarded. In case there are no fresh materials to be shared, feel free to create your own tweets. However, be aware that such intentions should be confirmed with Bounty Manager :  [email protected]

1. The number of your followers will be fixed at the moment you registered your participation and should not decrease during the campaign.
2. Mind that we count ONLY official Satoshi Brewery tweets created by our team.  We keep right not to reward all poorly written posts.
3. The list of participants is being updated once per week. To receive bonus, you must participate until the end of the campaign. If you quit earlier, your stakes will be burnt, returned to general bounty pool and distributed among the rest of the participants.
4. Multiple registered accounts are not allowed in this campaign. They won’t be checked and credited.
5. Your Twitter account should be at least 3 months old!
6. All double registrations are strongly forbidden! Once you have made the double registration, you will be declined without any chance to join the program again.
7. Please mind that we don’t check your account further once we gave you a “-” mark. If you see this symbol in the spreadsheet, your participation is over. We won’t accept your application again, if you were disqualified.

You can monitor your Twitter campaign statistics here:  link

Facebook Campaign

Register your participation here

Have 150 friends minimum
Make privacy settings open. All your posts must be public!
Be Satoshi Brewery Official Facebook group follower until the end of the campaign.
Like & Share Satoshi Brewery posts and get the stakes for it.
  • 1 repost – 5 stakes
  • 2 reposts– 7 stakes
  • 3 and more – 10 stakes
Share Satoshi Brewery posts regularly, otherwise, you won’t be rewarded. In case there are no fresh materials to be shared, feel free to post the older content or create your own posts. However, be aware that such intentions should be confirmed with Bounty Manager: [email protected]

1. The number of your friends will be fixed at the moment you registered your participation and should not decrease during the campaign.
2. Mind that we count ONLY official Satoshi Brewery posts created by our team. All self-made posts should be approved and discussed with the person in charge (see above). We keep right not to reward all poorly written posts.
3. The list of participants is being updated once per week. To receive bonus, you must participate until the end of the campaign. If you quit earlier, your stakes will be burnt, returned to general bounty pool and distributed among the rest of the participants.
4. Multiple registered accounts are not allowed in this campaign. They won’t be checked and credited.
5. All double registrations are strongly forbidden! Once you have made the double registration, you will be declined without any chance to join the program again.
6. Please mind that we don’t check your account further once we gave you a “-” mark. If you see this symbol in the spreadsheet, your participation is over. We won’t accept your application again, as you were disqualified.

You can monitor your Facebook campaign statistics here: link

Bкoнтaктe кaмпaния (ONLY RUSSIAN)

Peгиcтpaция я нa yчacтиe: link

Bы дoлжны имeть минимyм 180 дpyзeй.
Aккayнт дoлжeн быть пyбличным.
Baшa cтeнa дoлжнa быть oткpытa
Быть пoдпиcчикoм cтpaницы Bкoнтaктe Satoshi Brewery дo кoнцa бayнти пpoгpaммы
  • 1 peпocт – 5 cтeйкoв
  • 2 peпocтa – 7 cтeйкoв
  • 3 и бoлee peпocтoв – 10 cтeйкoв
Дeлaйтe peпocты peгyляpнo, инaчe вы нe бyдeт вoзнaгpaждeны.
Coздaниe coбcтвeнныx пocтoв тoлькo пocлe coглacoвaния c SMM мeнeджepoм: [email protected]

1.   Кoличecтвo дpyзeй нe дoлжнo yмeньшaтьcя вo вpeмя дeйcтвия бayнти пpoгpaммы.
2.   Mы cчитaeм тoлькo oфициaльныe пocты cтpaницы Satoshi Brewery вo Bкoнтaктe.
3.   Cпиcoк yчacтникoв oбнoвляeтcя paз в нeдeлю. Чтoбы пoлyчить cтeйки, вы дoлжны yчacтвoвaть дo кoнцa кaмпaнии. Ecли вы пpeкpaтитe yчacтиe, вaши cтeйки бyдyт вoзвpaщeны в oбщий фoнд бayнти и pacпpeдeлeны мeждy ocтaльными yчacтникaми.
4.   Иcпoльзyйтe тoлькo oднy yчeтнyю зaпиcь Bкoнтaктe.
5.   Aккayнт дoлжeн быть cтapшe 3-x мecяцeв.
6.   Зaпpeщeнa двoйнaя peгиcтpaция нa бayнти пpoгpaммy
7.   Ecли вы пpoпycтили oднy нeдeлю и yвидeли нaпpoтив cвoeгo имeни знaк «-». To вaшe yчacтиe в бayнти пpoгpaммe зaкoнчилocь.

Пocмoтpeть yчacтникoв BК кaмпaнии:

                                   Signature Campaign                                    

Register your participation here: View
Set up Satoshi Brewery signature in the Bitcointalk profile according to the profile rank. Be at least in a Jr.Member rank so to wear Satoshi Brewery signature

Stake Rewards:
•   Junior Members : 2 stakes per week
•   Members :  4 stakes per week
•   Full Members : 6 stakes per week
•   Senior Members : 8 stakes per week
•   Legendary/Hero: 12 stakes per week

Codes for signatures: link

1. The list of participants is being updated once per week. To receive bonus, you must wear Satoshi Brewery signature until the end of the campaign. If you quit earlier, your stakes are to be burnt, returned to general bounty pool and distributed among the rest of the participants.
2. If you got the higher rank, please update your signature code which corresponds to your obtained rank.
3. Please respect other threads and don’t post spam messages there. Spam is not allowed and spammers will be declined from the campaign and reported to moderator.
4. Multiple accounts registrations are not allowed, all related accounts will not be checked and credited.
5. Having negative Trust score attached to the participant’s profile is forbidden!
Breaking any of the rules mentioned above will result in you being disqualified from our campaign and you are to receive nothing.

You can monitor your Signatures campaign statistics here:

                                  Publishing Campaign                                  

Promote Satoshi Brewey project and get the bonus. All you have to do is to make a blog post, publish an article or a video about our project and we will reward you!

1. If you are able to create more posts/articles, this option can be discussed on individual basis. Mind that we don’t give additional stakes if you post the same content in different resources. We estimate quality of work, not websites quantity.
2. All your contributions will be analyzed and rewarded according to subjective criteria. If we don’t like the language style of your article or if it contains grammar mistakes/typos, we are free not to accept it for participation. Good language skill is a must, all poorly written articles/blog posts won’t be accepted.

Register your participation now and we will discuss your participation in this bounty program

                        Translations Campaign                        


                        When I get the tokens?                        

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