Anyway, good to see Braiins Pool making some moves here and there, although, sadly, as things look, I don't see how this pool will continue operation, looking at this last 6 months' status, I only found 1.5% of all blocks, this puts them in a very difficult spot, things took a very bad turn at one point when there were accused of mixing a dozen blocks to some code related issues, which up to this point -- they have not admitted although many people believe that the odds of them having that terrible luck stream for 200 blocks or so was too low.
I really hope they recover and start attracting large miners again.
Large miners are both good and bad.
They will make you more
BTC because they are generating more blocks so your % that you take off the top is a larger number.
BUT you need more support staff because although large professional miners are largely self sufficient, if there is an issue they don't want to wait for an answer.
And loosing one, even if it's no fault of yours still hurts more then loosing 2 dozen smaller hobby miners.
Not to mention your back end servers have to be more powerful since they are handling that many more shares and that much more bandwidth.