If bitcoin will use fingerprints password they need to have a very very good system for this type of password. Millions of prople are using bitcoin , so there will be millions of fingerprints, there will be lot of errors in log in. Maybe you want to login trough fingerprints but your phone is a bad model and it's scress doesnt reconize you fingerprints.
There is no "log in" in Bitcoin. You use your client as usual and you recover your keys via fingerprint/retina scan.
AFAIK only Samsung used a fingerprint scanner on screen and they've already ditched that... But yeah, I kind of get your point
But yes, I agree 100% on retina scanning, as I've also suggested in my post. That would be the future. I'm curious as to what kind of randomness can we "extract" from an iris, as stated in my first post.
I'm pretty sure that people around here don't know that there's a difference between retina and iris scans. Retina scanning should provide better security but it does come with higher equipment costs.
That would have to be weighed in regarding data randomness obtained in both methods and if the security given by one method tops over the cost saving the other method offers.
But building further on the fingerprint idea: you can further enhance the security of something protected by fingerprinting using one's lips. So 10 fingerprints + lips print would be way much more harder to obtain and it wouldn't make the process of recovering a wallet a bigger burden.
Lip print? That would be very impractical if you ask me, but an interesting suggestion nonetheless.
Since it would only be to recover a passphrase, I'm not sure if it would be all that impractical (you would only use it once in a while). We would probably have to build hardware for that tho...
Lips are very distinct, and they're also used for investigation in forensics, hence my idea
Not a good idea.... We had a biometric scanner system linked to our payroll system... you clock in and out with a finger print scanner.. but some of the guys { those who did handyman jobs and work
with their hands a lot } had problems with the system not recognizing their fingerprints.
Yes, this is a valid issue to which I have no suggestions
The other problem --> People will know that your finger print is the way to access your money and they would
simply force you, with violence to give up your money.. A password memorized and written down as a backup in a safe place, will never be trumped by Biometrics.
People could also force you to reveal your backup location...
It could be used as a salt behind your private key though.
Great idea too
And believe me, we don't want to go into Bio metric way of identity confirmation, soon we could be tagged exactly in a way cattle is.
Software attempting to communicate with a server somewhere, storing our biometric data would probably be detected by someone auditing the code.
This was what I was referring to back in the 1st page... To be able to replicate a fingerprint this way, you have to have it very beautifully "printed" on a surface, and that doesn't happen frequently in real life
Golly, you people are so much more security savvy than I am. I'd be dead impressed with myself if I was using fingerprints for stuff. I suppose fingers can be cut off and retinas gouged out. I'll be waiting for a scanner that reads my eternal soul. Until then passwords do the job.
To further enhance the fingerprint idea, one could create its passphrase using a specific sequence of fingers...
I'd still love to see this happen, fingerprint or retina scan or both.