Enough is enough already! Let's get Roger Ver and GMaxwell into the octagon and just punch it out. Ver wins, it's 8MB; Max wins, it's SegWit. Winner take all. I say that fat fuck goes down in the first round.
The ability to fight is not a great metric for measuring decision making in a technological environment.
Dog, you should know this as you said in 2011 that bitcoin would die....oh how you were so wrong.
Bitcoin is dead you moron. Just because crazy Chinamen like paying insane amounts for it, doesn't mean it is alive. The network is fully fucking broken and a backlog and high fees is making loads of application builders to abandon their efforts to make blockchain based things. Core Blockstream only see two things: settlement network and lightning. Unfortunately there are a huge bunch of transactions that don't fit into those classes.
Bitcoin isn't dead, it is fucking dead. Blockstream killed it.
I just love reading those village idiots on here Too bad this forum has been overrun by signature spammers and these rare displays of pure idiocy are becoming harder to find. Oh well.