One thing is clear is that we won't see any Chinese Banks, Investment banking institutions, mega chinese funds, retirement funds, insurance funds, etc etc investing in Bitcoin or bitcoin related infrastructure and businesses anymore, which is a huge Negative IMO for Bitcoin's long term future in China specifically and expected accelerated price rise to $10,000. It's gonna be purely people only thing, unless the Gov changes its mind in the future.
First of all, they specifically said, "At this stage" and that's entirely reasonable. The government would be crazy to let insurance funds put ordinary citizens money into Mt.Gox (as an example), doesn't that seem crazy to you as well? China well knows that although our bitcoin economy has improved vastly, it's still run largely by first time entrepreneurs who are doing it all by trial and error. No way in heck large financial institutions should be putting customers money into exchanges run by inexperienced and under-backed entrepreneurs. When the wall street exchanges are up and running for real, I'm sure world governments will reconsider. At the moment however, could you imagine offering insurance for bitcoin? It's an insane proposition at this point.
Bitcoin will be a world currency, but it does take more then a few months or years.