一般违规行为,天猫会员每件扣一分,淘宝网会员每件扣零点二分(但三天内累计扣分不超过七分);会员若在店铺装修区、阿里旺旺或淘宝门户类页面发布的,每次扣四分。 can't sell table salt?
Is this rule a joke?
Time for another salt march. Let's end the tyranny
That rule is really interesting
Not sure why they have that rule but if I had to guess.... people were selling counterfeit salt that was dangerous. Or selling things advertised as salt when it wasn't (think cocaine). There's a lot of food safety problems and scams in China so an ebay like site cracking down on something specific actually doesn't seem that weird when you think of it from a health point of view. Had a friend recently who got sick eating bbq lamb, turns out there's been a lot of places selling rat meat advertising it as lamb recently. So yeah...