
Topic: BREAKING: SWAT Team Drill Turns into REAL Mass Shooting Scenario (Read 1418 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Media Refusing to Cover Police & Witness Accounts of "3 White Male Shooters" in San Bernardino

On the night of December 2, after the tragic shootings at the Inland Regional Medical Center, CBS Evening News interviewed a witness to the shooting.

The interview, which took place live and over the phone, has not been covered by any other mainstream outlet despite the vastly different details provided which completely contradict the subsequent 'official' narrative, while backing up several other eyewitness accounts.

Witness Sally Abdelmageed, who works at the Inland Regional Center, and witnessed the shooting, spoke to CBS correspondent Scott Pelley.

During this interview, Pelley would ask Abdelmageed to describe the shooters in detail. Abdelmageed replied that the shooters were three tall athletic white men.

Below is the transcribed conversation from last week's interview.

Scott Pelley: One of the witnesses today is Sally Abdelmageed, who works at the Inland Regional Center, the building where the attack took place. She saw the attackers enter the building and we spoke to her by phone.




Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
A Needle in a Haystack

If you were looking for a needle in a haystack, simple logic would tell you that the smaller the haystack the likelier you are to find the needle. Except for the government.

Since Edward Snowden revealed the federal government's unlawful and unconstitutional use of federal statutes to justify spying on all in America all the time, including the members of Congress who unwittingly wrote and passed the statutes, I have been arguing that the Fourth Amendment prohibits all domestic spying, except that which has been authorized by a search warrant issued by a judge. The same amendment also requires that warrants be issued only based on a serious level of individualized suspicion backed up by evidence — called probable cause — and the warrants must specifically identify the place and person to be spied upon.

Because these requirements are in the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, Congress and the president and the courts are bound by them. There is no emergency or public safety or wartime exception to them. These requirements cannot be changed by legislation; only a constitutional amendment, ratified by the legislatures of 37 states, can do so.

All of this is what lawyers and judges call black letter law — meaning it is well-understood, has not been seriously challenged and is nearly universally accepted. Except by the government.

The government — which thinks it can right any wrong, tax any event, regulate any behavior and interfere with any right — also thinks it can keep us safe from the terrorists among us by cutting constitutional corners, which it has done many times since 9/11. Among the constitutional corners it has cut is unleashing its 60,000 domestic spies upon us with orders to disregard the constitutional requirements for spying on Americans and gather all the data about us that they can by listening to phone calls and reading emails, as well as gathering the banking information, credit card information, utility bills, postal mail and medical records of everyone in America, without regard to individualized suspicion.

The government's behavior is premised upon the false belief that it can morally and constitutionally interfere with our natural right to privacy without due process and upon the absurd belief that surrendering personal liberty somehow keeps us safe.

As we know from the tragedy last week in San Bernardino, California, the government's strategy and practices failed to keep us safe. The governmental failure at San Bernardino was the confluence of a state government with antipathy and animosity toward the natural right of self-defense and a federal government attempting to devour far more data than it can handle.


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
3rd Eyewitness To San Bernardino Shooting Says It Wasn't 'Terror Couple' Who Carried It Out

"It's not him," a third San Bernardino shooting witness proclaimed about Sayd Farook and his wife.

The so-called "terror couple" have been accused of masterminding an ISIS terror attack on a Christmas office party whereSayd worked.

...Now, a third prominent eye-witness, Chirs Nwadike, has stepped up to challenge the mainstream narrative. He recently told reporters he received a phone call from an unknown person around 7 p.m., on the evening of the shooting, who told him that he must say that Sayd Farook was the shooter.

You read that right, he says that he was called and told to change his story and say that Farook carried out the attacks with his wife, even though that is very different than what he witnessed.


Youtube video:

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
California shooting another US false flag attack: Analyst

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Even the attorney for this family, I believe he was on CNN, brought up many inconsistencies on the story. How do you feel about this?

Barrett: I’m afraid that we may be seeing yet another false flag massacre like September 11, 2001, like July 7th, 2005 and like the two recent shooting attacks in Paris. It appears that all of these events and many many others are part of a program that’s called “Gladio B.”

It’s a continuation of the NATO false flag terror program that blue people often murdered people throughout the Cold War in Europe. It was run by the United States’ joint chiefs of staff. Today the Gladio B program is run essentially by the same people with the huge new input from the Israelis.



Read the comments at the link^^.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Government employee takes the missus on shooting spree

- Powell Gammill

I watch the San Bernadino shooting case with only passing interest.  I do know based upon past experience only one thing for certain: I will never know what actually happened or why.  And the official government narrative finally produced will contain more holes in it than a colander.

This is because at best the government(s) collude to produce the "truth" that least hurts them. The truth that makes them look their best.  That helps them and their causes the most.  And the government press does the same in reporting.



Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
And the bad part is that many people will look at it once, and never return for any followup. So, they will walk away with the idea that it was a Muslim terrorist thing.

People need to understand that it either is planned and carried out by government people, or it is allowed by them, no matter what it is.

Even Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen by FDR, who knew of the plans of the Japs at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Virtually all the terrorist actions done in America since then have been allowed or cause by people in the American government. And the media is right in government's pocket, proclaiming it to the American masses just the way the government wants the people to believe.

Thank Goodness that we have the Internet so that we can see through many of the government's coverups.


Which is why they want to shut that Destructive Naughty thing down!! Bad internet!

'Spell-check for hate' needed, says Google's Schmidt

"Technology companies should work on tools to disrupt terrorism - such as creating a hate speech "spell-checker" - Google's chairman Eric Schmidt has said.

Writing in the New York Times, Mr Schmidt said using technology to automatically filter-out extremist material would "de-escalate tensions on social media" and "remove videos before they spread"...."

According to the TPP, this will include corporations, because if you say anything bad about a corporation, you'll be in trouble.

What's interesting about racism and hate speech is, in order for government people to enforce these things, they have to do the racism and the hate speech more than the people they are accusing did.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
And the bad part is that many people will look at it once, and never return for any followup. So, they will walk away with the idea that it was a Muslim terrorist thing.

People need to understand that it either is planned and carried out by government people, or it is allowed by them, no matter what it is.

Even Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen by FDR, who knew of the plans of the Japs at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Virtually all the terrorist actions done in America since then have been allowed or cause by people in the American government. And the media is right in government's pocket, proclaiming it to the American masses just the way the government wants the people to believe.

Thank Goodness that we have the Internet so that we can see through many of the government's coverups.


Which is why they want to shut that Destructive Naughty thing down!! Bad internet!

'Spell-check for hate' needed, says Google's Schmidt

"Technology companies should work on tools to disrupt terrorism - such as creating a hate speech "spell-checker" - Google's chairman Eric Schmidt has said.

Writing in the New York Times, Mr Schmidt said using technology to automatically filter-out extremist material would "de-escalate tensions on social media" and "remove videos before they spread"...."

According to the TPP, this will include corporations, because if you say anything bad about a corporation, you'll be in trouble.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
I´m always suspicious since I witnessed 9/11 on live TV and saw the ready script virtually from minute five. It was unbelievable propaganda. Clearly scripted beforehand because they all had the same shit. They had the ready-made villains and the ready "experts". Strangely enough they had about the whole story (which seemed pretty complex to me)  all wrapped up by the end of the day, also how two jetliners weighing altogether 300 tons managed to reduce Three Out of Two skyscrapers weighing altogether 1,250,000 tons practically to dust in seconds. It was kerosene. Right.

And since then I don´t believe much from official/garbage media sources when these terror events are concerned. In fact I don´t believe a freakin thing that comes from them on any issues. It could all be more or less staged for all I know. I guarantee you that if you automatically take 180% degrees position away from the govt. and media whores in everything they say, you´ll be right at least 75% of the time on average and that without even needing to think at all.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Let me get this straight we have two shooters who were prepared with assault weapons and explosives! He went to a party got upset went home got his wife/girlfriend got his and hers assault weapons and explosives they just happen to have handy went back and killed 14 people and wounded a number more! Then escaped and did not run but stayed around the area and then got in a shootout with police and got killed and people want to call this work place violence?

Please feel free to vote in my "Do you think the San Bernardino shooting was a False Flag?" thread if you haven't already.

Yes, the public is led to believe they somehow had the foresight to booby trap things when they supposedly got upset at the spur of the moment. Any planning makes this not spur of the moment, so which is it? If you were free from the cops, don't you think you'd get farther than a couple of miles in a couple of hours? The city had prepared in monthly drills for something like this, had one actually going on at the time and they still failed miserably? It makes no sense but the public is buying it, hook, line and sinker.

And the bad part is that many people will look at it once, and never return for any followup. So, they will walk away with the idea that it was a Muslim terrorist thing.

People need to understand that it either is planned and carried out by government people, or it is allowed by them, no matter what it is.

Even Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen by FDR, who knew of the plans of the Japs at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Virtually all the terrorist actions done in America since then have been allowed or cause by people in the American government. And the media is right in government's pocket, proclaiming it to the American masses just the way the government wants the people to believe.

Thank Goodness that we have the Internet so that we can see through many of the government's coverups.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Let me get this straight we have two shooters who were prepared with assault weapons and explosives! He went to a party got upset went home got his wife/girlfriend got his and hers assault weapons and explosives they just happen to have handy went back and killed 14 people and wounded a number more! Then escaped and did not run but stayed around the area and then got in a shootout with police and got killed and people want to call this work place violence?

Please feel free to vote in my "Do you think the San Bernardino shooting was a False Flag?" thread if you haven't already.

Yes, the public is led to believe they somehow had the foresight to booby trap things when they supposedly got upset at the spur of the moment. Any planning makes this not spur of the moment, so which is it? If you were free from the cops, don't you think you'd get farther than a couple of miles in a couple of hours? The city had prepared in monthly drills for something like this, had one actually going on at the time and they still failed miserably? It makes no sense but the public is buying it, hook, line and sinker.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
Let me get this straight we have two shooters who were prepared with assault weapons and explosives! He went to a party got upset went home got his wife/girlfriend got his and hers assault weapons and explosives they just happen to have handy went back and killed 14 people and wounded a number more! Then escaped and did not run but stayed around the area and then got in a shootout with police and got killed and people want to call this work place violence?
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

I believe it was fake, that they planted the truck with guns shots there. (shots from the front when no police were in front of it either, and the "blood" was blue on the ground) There's a playlist here. But that first pic is a telephoto lens and the white lines look like dots because the camera is getting a lot of distance in that pic. ProfessorDoom pointed it out.

It may be the same place in the pics, but the truck they were following never got there, through all the cop cars and running police, lol.

And yeah... guy describes them as 3 men with long sleeve shirts, why is the one man on the ground with short sleeve shirts, how did he mistake a woman for a man with a long sleeve shirt on?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Attorney for Family in San Bernardino Shooting

After the tragic shooting in California this week, those close to the case have been finding giant holes in the "official narrative."

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Witness to San Bernardino Massacre Describes Shooters:


"Mrs. Abdelmageed, can you describe to me in as much details as you can what did the gunman look like?" the CBS anchor asks.

"I couldn't see his face, he had a black hat on. All I could see was a black hat, black long-sleeved shirt...
He had extra ammo. He was probably ready for something, to reload - I don't know know..."

"I just saw three, dressed exactly the same." They looked like they were athletic build, and um, they appeared to be tall..."

"You're certain that you saw three men?" the news anchor asks.


Read more:

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
San Bernardino Hoax: One Shoot Out, Two Locations

Obviously this shooting did not happen the way they say it did, and the massive pounce on the “Islamic terror” meme strongly implies to me that the establishment needs huge public support for something horrible they plan to do soon. And I really think Trump’s bantering about “dancing Muslims” was the precursor to this, I think he knew this was going to go down and seeded the public conscience ahead of this storm to cause the hatred to grow when watered . . . . and with headlines like [url]“Muslim newlyweds slaughter co-workers who threw them a baby shower”[/url] (thanks anonymous for that tip) well, I think there is a little proof.


The dead woman is in high heels, shorts and short blouse. No blood anywhere after being filled with bullets.

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Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
As I have said at another time, mass shootings are like 1 or 2 jokers shooting down a bunch of unarmed people. When cops do it, it is usually a bunch of cops shooting down 1 unarmed person.

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
They're trying to make people afraid. Yeah, the shootings will stop as soon as you give up your gun rights, because that's all the terrorist president wants, and he'll stop terrorizing you if you give him your weapons....

Every time that Obama goes on TV and talks gun control, gun sales spike so that isn´t working so well.

They´re much more interested in calling rampant terrorism in the United States (350 mass shootings with four victims or more this year) something else so they can say. See how great a job we are doing in protecting you from terrorists. Now give us more money, we deserve it and we can protect you even better.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
They're trying to make people afraid. Yeah, the shootings will stop as soon as you give up your gun rights, because that's all the terrorist president wants, and he'll stop terrorizing you if you give him your weapons....
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
When Shooting Narratives Diverge

Free-Market Analysis: Another horrible attack by armed gunmen against unarmed civilians. This one, once more in the US, has left a significant toll of wounded and dead – and was covered in detail by the major media on television and by the alternative media on the Internet. In fact, minutes after the shooting began, tweets, videos and posts filled the alternative news media with a blizzard of accusations.

It was a false flag, alternative media commentators declared, orchestrated by shadowy forces in or around the US government. One more shooting intended to boost arguments for gun control. Mainstream journalism couldn't be trusted. The attack would be blamed on terrorists somehow and the results would be more broadsides against dwindling civil liberties.

Certainly suspicions of terrorism seemed generally prevalent, and not just in the alternative media. Mainstream media reports speculated on the reasons for the shooting and the individuals involved.

After a concentrated stream of reports, prevalent wisdom seemed to settle on a narrative that included two or three shooters. One was identified as Syed Farook and another as a woman, Tashfeen Malik.

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Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
San Bernardino shooting: US divided over whether attack was terrorism

Even before the facts of the San Bernardino mass shooting are in, a familiar argument is dividing Americans along political, religious and racial lines: was this terrorism? The rightwing news site wasted little time describing Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik as the "jihadis next door", even before initial reports emerged that the couple may have visited radical Islamist websites and had unspecified forms of contact with people being investigated for links to extremist groups. Other outlets preferred to focus on the fact that Farook worked for the county public health department whose holiday party was targeted without immediately assuming his religion or political beliefs had anything to do with it.

Across social media sites, people asked if the "T-word" would have been invoked so quickly if the couple were white Christians instead of brown-skinned Muslims. Some saw a double standard between the way events in San Bernardino have been characterized and last weekend's murders at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, whose alleged perpetrator was notoriously described in the New York Times as a "gentle loner", not a terrorist, despite the apparent political motivation behind his attack.

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