Nodes share transactions in "plain text", nothing is encrypted. If you want to broadcast a transaction without leaving trace, there are two options. Use a node behind TOR, or the broadcast service of certain websites (while using torbrowser of course). The second option might be easier, for example blockchair has an onion address, and has transaction broadcast page.
I really wanted to merit your post but I can't with that blockchair recommendation, I would take an extremely sizable bet that blockchair was surveilling users -- It's run by a russian "AML specialist" who removed the AML bragging from his twitter immediately before starting a bizarre campaign against taproot. Blockchair gives the opposite of good advice on txn privacy, it rates poor privacy transactions as good and good privacy transactions as bad.
Even using it via tor there are lots of ways to fingerprint tor browser. It's certainly better than *not* using it. But I wouldn't recommend contacting a party which is almost certainly secretly surveilling users even with it.
Your other advice to use tor, that's good advice and what I was gonna post except you already did.
Without being sure that the connection is authentic with no MITM, an encrypted connection is practically useless.
This isn't true, FWIW.
Without encryption monitoring can be completely passive: Extremely cheap and totally undetectable (except by leaking monitored data, of course). It can even be hard for a network operator to know that someone is passively monitoring their links.
With encryption, the attack much be active. This makes is much more expensive-- instead of just scanning and logging data you have to get into the protocol, perform encryption/decryption, it scales much more poorly. The intercept can't be a passive tap, it has to be in the path. The active interception is always at risk of discovery, potentially after the fact, and when the monitoring would be *unlawful* or contrary to disclosed public policy, getting caught would be bad news.
For Bitcoin, the proposed opportunistic encryption logs an session ID into each side's logs when they connect (and would display in peer stats). If there is an active MITM these session IDs will not match. Even if a tiny percentage of users ever look a wide scale MITM would eventually get caught.
Further than that in Bitcoin I also proposed an authentication protocol where a MITM fundamentally cannot tell if authentication is in use, so he cannot selectively MITM non-authenticating users and avoid MITM-ing authenticating users. Any MITM attempt then has the risk of immediately alerting the user. This way a small number of authentication users provides herd resistance for everyone else.
Of course, these measures are not perfect-- but nothing in security is perfect. These measures are about an improvement. Even just pushing attackers into doing active interception makes targeted dragnet surveillance considerably more expensive. Of course, if you have stronger measures available you should still use them, but the inherent of complexity of authentication (e.g. what is an 'identity'??) means that often stronger isn't available. Unencrypted shouldn't be the default, encryption is cheap and even without authentication it can provide strong protection against some attack models even though it is fundamentally limited. It's not a replacement for an authenticated channel, but it is by no means useless.
The CA model has its own serious flaws. For example, nation-state adversaries can just arbitrarily print certificates, ... as well as network attackers, pretty much: If you can active intercept traffic on the path between and public certificate authority and an IP address that a target domain name resolves to, you can get that CA to issue you a certificate. So in practice, the HTTPS CA model provides almost zero security form active network attackers who are positioned near the webserver. The unfortunate fact about the HTTPS CA model is that because you need to get a cert to usefully use HTTPS at all, it has to be extremely easy to get a cert, and unfortunately that also makes it easy for some kinds of attackers to get them too.