It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
ph->Kp = secp->AddAffine(ph->Kp, Sp[pw]); // This requires a modular inversion which can be batched
Kangaroo v1.0
Keys :16
Number of CPU thread: 8
Range width: 2^64
Number of random walk: 2^13.00 (Max DP=17)
DP size: 17 [0xffff800000000000]
Solvekey Thread 0: 1024 TAME kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 1: 1024 TAME kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 2: 1024 TAME kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 3: 1024 TAME kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 4: 1024 WILD kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 5: 1024 WILD kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 6: 1024 WILD kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 7: 1024 WILD kangaroos
[18.00 MKey/s][Count 2^34.40][20:47][Dead 10][20.2MB]
Key# 0 Pub: 0x0259A3BFDAD718C9D3FAC7C187F1139F0815AC5D923910D516E186AFDA28B221DC
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EBB3EF3883C1866D4
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.80][13:44][Dead 3][15.4MB]
Key# 1 Pub: 0x02A50FBBB20757CC0E9C41C49DD9DF261646EE7936272F3F68C740C9DA50D42BCD
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EB5ABC43BEBAD3207
[18.07 MKey/s][Count 2^30.28][01:12][Dead 1][2.8MB]
Key# 2 Pub: 0x0304A49211C0FE07C9F7C94695996F8826E09545375A3CF9677F2D780A3EB70DE3
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E5698AAAB6CAC52B3
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^32.78][06:44][Dead 2][9.4MB]
Key# 3 Pub: 0x030B39E3F26AF294502A5BE708BB87AEDD9F895868011E60C1D2ABFCA202CD7A4D
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E59C839258C2AD7A0
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.82][13:54][Dead 3][15.6MB]
Key# 4 Pub: 0x02837A31977A73A630C436E680915934A58B8C76EB9B57A42C3C717689BE8C0493
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E765FB411E63B92B9
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.07][08:16][Dead 1][10.9MB]
Key# 5 Pub: 0x020ECDB6359D41D2FD37628C718DDA9BE30E65801A88A00C3C5BDF36E7EE6ADBBA
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E7D0E6081C7E0E865
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^34.45][21:27][Dead 4][20.7MB]
Key# 6 Pub: 0x0322DD52FCFA3A4384F0AFF199D019E481D335923D8C00BADAD42FFFC80AF8FCF0
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EC737344CA673CE28
root@system:~# ./bsgs in.txt
BSGS v1.0
BabyStep:0x20000000 (2^29.00)
Keys :1
Number of CPU thread: 8
BabyStep Thread 0: 0x1 -> 0x4000000
BabyStep Thread 1: 0x4000001 -> 0x8000000
BabyStep Thread 3: 0xc000001 -> 0x10000000
BabyStep Thread 2: 0x8000001 -> 0xc000000
BabyStep Thread 4: 0x10000001 -> 0x14000000
BabyStep Thread 6: 0x18000001 -> 0x1c000000
BabyStep Thread 5: 0x14000001 -> 0x18000000
BabyStep Thread 7: 0x1c000001 -> 0x20000000
[2.42 MKey/s][Cnt 2^29.00][03:33][4864.0MB]
Sort Thread 3: 00C00000 -> 01000000
Sort Thread 0: 00000000 -> 00400000
Sort Thread 4: 01000000 -> 01400000
Sort Thread 2: 00800000 -> 00C00000
Sort Thread 1: 00400000 -> 00800000
Sort Thread 5: 01400000 -> 01800000
Sort Thread 7: 01C00000 -> 02000000
Sort Thread 6: 01800000 -> 01C00000
[10.64 MSort/s][Cnt 2^25.00][03s][4864.0MB]
GiantStep Thread 3: 16000000000000000
GiantStep Thread 2: 14000000000000000
GiantStep Thread 0: 10000000000000000
GiantStep Thread 1: 12000000000000000
GiantStep Thread 5: 1A000000000000000
GiantStep Thread 6: 1C000000000000000
GiantStep Thread 4: 18000000000000000
GiantStep Thread 7: 1E000000000000000
[13.72 MKey/s][Cnt 2^33.03][10:40][4864.0MB]
Key# 0 Pub: 0x0230210C23B1A047BC9BDBB13448E67DEDDC108946DE6DE639BCC75D47C0216B1B
Priv: 0x1A838B13505B26867
Done: Total time 14:18