Demographics of Australia (2012).
Total Fertility Rate: 1.933 children per woman (1.917 in 2011). TFR is 2.710 for aborigines.
Total number of Births: 309,582 (+2.6%). 18,295 births to aborigine mothers.
Births, Country of birth of mother:
Total: 309,582 (TFR: 1.94)
Australia: 211,570 (1.95)
New Zealand: 9,828 (2.05)
North-West Europe: 13,239 (1.78)
Southern and Eastern Europe: 4,667 (1.56)
North Africa and the Middle East: 8,596 (3.04)
South-East Asia: 16,874 (1.66)
North-East Asia: 13,630 (1.47)
Southern and Central Asia: 17,038 (2.22)
Americas: 4,633 (1.66)
Sub-Saharan Africa: 6,116 (2.19)
Births, Country of birth of father:
Total: 309,582 (TPR: 1.93)
Australia: 200,971 (1.84)
New Zealand: 11,230 (2.07)
North-West Europe: 15,853 (1.75)
Southern and Eastern Europe: 4,550 (1.47)
North Africa and the Middle East: 10,158 (2.88)
South-East Asia: 12,970 (1.67)
North-East Asia: 10,668 (1.63)
Southern and Central Asia: 18,038 (1.97)
Americas: 4,436 (1.70)
Sub-Saharan Africa: 6,502 (2.31)
Total number of deaths (2012): 147,098