It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
# ./onlygen1_9_6File -t 256 -b 96 -p 506 -w 30 -htsz 29
Number of GPU threads set to #256
Number of GPU blocks set to #96
Number of pparam set to #506
Items number set to 2^30=1073741824
HT size set to 2^29
initHTsize #1
APP VERSION: 1.9.6File-onlygen0
This version [1.9.6File-onlygen0] may content various bugs,
Don`t use this version for serious task.
It is needed to test the possibility of using the -w parameter greater than 30
if you accept this press ENTER to continue or close the program otherwise.
vboxuser@ubuntupurebasic:~/purebasic/compilers$ ./generateHT -t 256 -b 96 -p 506 -w 30 -pk 8000000000000000 -pke ffffffffffffffff -pb 03100611c54dfef604163b8358f7b7fac13ce478e02cb224ae16d45526b25d9d4d -htsz 28
Number of GPU threads set to #256
Number of GPU blocks set to #96
Number of pparam set to #506
Items number set to 2^30=1073741824
Range begin: 0x8000000000000000
Range end: 0xffffffffffffffff
Pubkey set to 03100611c54dfef604163b8358f7b7fac13ce478e02cb224ae16d45526b25d9d4d
HT size set to 2^28
initHTsize #1
APP VERSION: 1.9.6File-onlygen0
This version [1.9.6File-onlygen0] may content various bugs,
Don`t use this version for serious task.
It is needed to test the possibility of using the -w parameter greater than 30
if you accept this press ENTER to continue or close the program otherwise.
apt install build-essential gcc g++ libxxf86vm-dev libxine2-dev unixodbc-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl2-dev libssl-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libvlc-dev
apt install libcudart9.1
export PUREBASIC_HOME=~/purebasic && export PATH=$PUREBASIC_HOME/compilers:$PATH
Import "-no-pie"
root@vm:~/purebasic/compilers# cat /etc/lsb-release | grep -i release
root@vm:~/purebasic/compilers# ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ BSGS-cuda/lib/cuda.lib
root@vm:~/purebasic/compilers# ./pbcompiler BSGS-cuda/1_9_7File.pb -e 1_9_7File
PureBasic 5.31 (Linux - x64)
Loading external modules...
Starting compilation...
Starting compilation...
Including source: lib/Curve64.pb
27392 lines processed.
Creating the executable.
- Feel the ..PuRe.. Power -
root@vm:~/purebasic/compilers# ./1_9_7File -h
-t Number of GPU threads, default 256
-b Number of GPU blocks, default 132
-p Number of pparam, default 400
-d Select GPU IDs, default
-pb Set single uncompressed/compressed pubkey for searching
-pk Range start from , default 0x01
-pke End range
-w Set number of baby items 2^ or decimal representation
-htsz Set number of HashTable 2^ , default 25
with htsz 27 value -w should be less Or equil To 1331331443 Or 2^30.310222637591963
with htsz 28 value -w should be less or equil to 1777178603 Or 2^30.726941530690112
with htsz 29 value -w should be less or equil to 3069485950 Or 2^31.515349920643907
with htsz 30 value -w should be less or equil to 3069485951 Or 2^31.515349920643907
with htsz 31 value -w should be less or equil to 3069485951 Or 2^31.515349920643907
-infile Set file with pubkey for searching in uncompressed/compressed format (search sequential)
-wl Set recovery file from which the state will be loaded
-wt Set timer for autosaving current state, default every 180seconds
# ./onlygen1_9_6File -t 256 -b 96 -p 506 -w 30 -htsz 29
Number of GPU threads set to #256
Number of GPU blocks set to #96
Number of pparam set to #506
Items number set to 2^30=1073741824
HT size set to 2^29
initHTsize #1
APP VERSION: 1.9.6File-onlygen0
This version [1.9.6File-onlygen0] may content various bugs,
Don`t use this version for serious task.
It is needed to test the possibility of using the -w parameter greater than 30
if you accept this press ENTER to continue or close the program otherwise.