It is very difficult for beginners to understand what network separation is.
How is that difficult with so many articles popping up containing a decent bit of information regarding chain splits, UASF, hard forks, etc? If you don't do any effort to know where you put your money in, and what the potential dangers are, seriously, what are you doing here? Gambling can be done through fiat related casinos if you so wish...
And they make the simplest decision - to sell bitcoin.
Simple, but the most idiotic solution.
They still do not trust bitcoin. And because of this, a panic is created in the market.
I am more leaning towards the fact that these people don't trust themselves.
I do not know what will happen on August 1, but it worries me too.
At this point no one for sure knows, but it's not looking all that bad with the potential activation of Segwit2x knocking on the door. It should happen before the end of next month.