I've been watching them for a few days now on my phone, and even the graphical charts are showing massive similarities in the rise and fall of the cost, but the overall cost per coin is dropping and there's no indication online as to why this is happening...
Does anyone have any news articles that describe why these three currencies are all falling in price at the same rates? It can't just be a case of "investors are selling their coins", because the patterns are almost identical at some points across three currencies - the odds of that happening at the exact same time, for the exact quantity of coins to be sold to equal the exact same drop are probably somewhere in the 1:1000000 range.
Everything I've read so far indicates Litecoin will rise in 2018 hitting $300-400 mark, but at the moment it's on a downward change with no real explanation as to why..?
Bitcoin is also a trusted currency people every day earn in the form of altcoin and convert it to BTC as a holding currency as BTC price is increasing day by day and they get profit from it too.