Amount : 5BTC
Interest : 0.4BTC, making it 5.4BTC total to be repayed (including 8% fee)
Days : ~60
Collateral : Gold bullion, including your 8% fee, shipping/insurance both ways paid for by me.
Address : 14THGYN8QrbdxSfvTSK33EWJxiAdn1xytS
Good morning,
This use "kenji" sent me 9 fake gold bars 1oz each. They were examined by a local gold exchange and found the results posted. The user mr Kenji also sent from a false addresss which comes back to a store named big lots here in usa, I text him and ask where he works he says oh a car wash. So I went to the exchange and he was asking me to send BTC before but I refused. The exchange said 100% fake and gave me test results. The gold bars QR code shows up invalid in the Veriscan web app which is the company that makes the bars.The user was confronted with the results via call/text and has not responded
for obvious reasons! I can provide texts proof, pictures ,pm whatever is needed!
See this video for more info guys!
Exchane test results
reason Scam attempt
Police report filed for fraud
I don't know Kenji or anything of the sort but after seeing the youtube video link you provided, I'm just wondering if it is not possible that maybe Kenji bought the gold bars from eBay and unknowingly bought fake gold bars? - maybe if he can show you proof that he purchased from eBay then you won't have to file a police report. Just my humble opinion