The market crash after halving happens right away not weeks/months after it. That has already happened and we recovered. So historically speaking there is no reason for a crash to 50/55k.
Also historically speaking it shouldn't take until October to see bull runs. For example in the last halving we saw the first leg up start in August and summer wasn't really that bad.
Plus with Chad Saylor who's always finding Golden Opportunities to find DIPs, and buying into them, a "crash" down to $50,000/$55,000 would actually be a very welcome occasion for DIP buyers. Perhaps DCA buyers would welcome it as well, because it will give them more units in Bitcoin for the same amount of fiat invested.
I believe in this cycle, you don't wait for October, or the billionaires will front-run you. Plus it's impossible for plebs like us to time the absolute bottom, no?