So far, bitcoin's deception has lied in the fact that we are presented the idea that one bitcoin is divisible up to 8 decimal places which gives the false image of a bitcoin being a floating point number. In reality block rewards are represented by unsigned integers. Thus instead of 1 bitcoin one has 100 000 000 satoshis. To break the psychological barrier of 1 bitcoin costing too much we should just switch to satoshis. The latter will be plausible when BTC rises in value.
The market cap of gold is $7,252,708,420,909.
The market cap of bitcoin is $ 6,549,170,380 (0.082% of gold's).
I can say that gold is already psychologically too expensive for an average Joe on the street. Imagine when it grows 5x as it has done previously during financial collapses. Owning a gram of gold doesn't make you feel good about it, it feels sad as it is just a tiny speck. So, naturally, other stores of value will gain popularity. If bitcoin was only 1% of gold's market cap, it would already cost more than 5000$ per BTC. If 1 bitcoin costed 5k, then 1 satoshi would be 0.00005$. The world's least valuable currency Iranian Rial trades at 0.00004$ . So after 5k $ bitcoins it would be nothing new to this world to have satoshis for the main units to represent the value of your bitcoins. The world has already seen such a situation in Iran.
Daily recommended minimum amount of money for food per person is 10.72 $. With 5000$ BTC, a daily meal would then cost 214400 satoshis. Let's be honest, 200 000 is not that big of a number any more to be uncomfortable to use in daily basis. This is also the reason why poor countries could adopt bitcoin more easily. They are already used to making transactions of such order of magnitude in their currency units.
I am sure that price will rise to 5000$ just i am not sure when, but probably not soon as price will have to rise 6 or maybe even 7 times
Closest date i can think is 2020 after halving, then price could rise to 3000$, or if we will be lucky even to 5000$, but only then
I agree with that. It might take 5 to 10 years for the price to go to $10,000 or more. It needs many users.
The users numbers of bitcoin is increasing. The paypal has teamed up with coinbase to provide a service to users.
If they can convert 1% of the Paypal users to be bitcoin users, that will increase the bitcoin users quite a lot.
The higher the number of bitcoin users, the higher the price will be. So we need to increase number at this stage.