
Topic: BTCC 1BTC Titanium Coin Redeeming and Info - page 2. (Read 1523 times)

Activity: 1499
Merit: 1164
Ok, now for the details and issues.

I created a new Bitcoin Core wallet simply to import the private key as I have done in the past.
Click on help, then debug window, then console.
Fill in:  importprivkey "SqtVvMgDxWyXMrAdas7PirKQp7YbMz"
I received the following error:   Invalid private key encoding (code -5)
I then realized that Bitcoin Core doesn't work with 'Mini Private Keys"

The issue most may run into.....
So, I decided to use
I created a account JUST to redeem this coin (and my tests).
(The import method was described in the prior post)
Strangely, it did not work.  Well, it worked; however, with strange results.
The import worked, but, I saw the following.....
Import Existing Bitcoin Address
The Private Key appears to be Valid
The Bitcoin address associated with this Private Key is 1CCUSKpW6ZNRCYCTurAg3XU8afbk9p9yqx
The balance of this address is 0 BTC $0.00
Ummmm, WHAT?  The address was wrong and the address had shown 0 BTC
I started to freak out wondering how the coin was redeemed (or never funded), but noticed the public key didn't match.

I deleted it from the account and tried again with the same results.

The issue is the had changed the website to a 'New Wallet' design.  This had messed up the ability to import 'Mini Private Keys'.  Not just with BTCC coins, but others like Casascius coins as well.  Meaning, it isn't BTCC using some strange standard.

It took a day to figure out what was going on.  Fortunately, I had an old (legacy) account.
I logged in, imported the mini private key as previously described, and it worked.  Why would's site change to a new format that breaks mini private key?  Even more strange is that it shows a successful import, resulting in a different public address.

So, I exported the wallet using the drop down box to get a Bitcoin-QT export.
I can now see the standard private key is: 5Jkp75Gb3jRLTF7rXJvXJNuM7t1QbX2muMJUh8Pa56qxpaREuck

I imported this standard private key into Bitcoin core and it worked as expected.

Now for the Tests....
I wanted to know if I sent the coins to another address without paying TX fees, if and how long it would take to work or fail.  Also, if it would work since it was with a newly generated coin based on a rumor I heard.
So, I sent it to the address I wanted using the wallet.  Network propogation was 0%.  In short, it took 24 hours for the TX to fail and funds returned.
I then tried it with the Bitcoin core wallet without fees.  This time, I had a Network propogation of 4%, but that lasted 12 hours before it went to 0%.  24 hours later, no return, but figured it was a good time to test sending with a fee while the TX hasn't confirmed or failed yet.  Also, I didn't know if it would be returned or not.  I also wanted to know if I sent 1BTC with an included fee if the resulting TX would show the full BTC in the new address or 2 part.

I sent the public key .00255 using .001275 for the tx fee.   Once confirmed, I then used Bitcoin Core to send the target address 1.001275 using 001275 for the fee.  It confirmed a few blocks later, of course with a couple of issues.  The transaction was showing as a Double spend.  The original funding transaction on bc.i was showing it as being 'Spent' twice.  This cleared away after another 24 hours as the second attempt (no fee) failed. Yes!
The three transactions are:
Of course the first two now show nothing. first fail second fail confirmed

For some tools:
Convert text (address or private key) to QR Code.
Select Text and type/paste in the private key.
(Of course this is an online tool, so shouldn't be used as they may record entries.  Never know)

Also an online tool; however, you can github download the code to run offline (safe).
Select Wallet Details and type/paste in the private key.
Discovery here....
The public key shows correctly as: 1BaTSwatnqGKsuhfZQYsy4kAgAMfV2g7Kb
But, there is also a listing of a Compressed public key: 1CCUSKpW6ZNRCYCTurAg3XU8afbk9p9yqx
This partially explains why came up with that address.  WTH is it though and, again, why did bc.i change to this address?

Great Tool:
Casascius Address Tool:
Some details on Casascius coins, but on the page is the BTCAdrress Tool
Paste in the private key and you get the public key and a standard format for private keys and other information
Can be run offline for safety. (Prevent pkey from being exposed to some online tool.)

All in all:
BTCC Coins (random sampling) works
It could be a simple process or a long one depending on the route taken. changed to a new wallet design which broke Mini Private Keys importing. (I've emailed them regarding this issue.)
Bitcoin Core doesn't import with Mini Private Keys
Newly Gen coins have no benefit with regards to TX fees
Double spend coins don't get rejected/refunded/pruned in a specific period of time.
Several tools available to do converting of various methods both online and offline.
Note: I did not redeem BTCC Coins I purchased, but purchased the digital coin from someone that was going to redeem it as I wanted to know and test the process.
Info on Mini Private Key:
Casascius BTC Tool:
and, currently a great tool reporting Titanium coins (produced and redeemed) is:
Activity: 1499
Merit: 1164
Redeeming a BTCC Coin.

As a test, I wanted to know about redeeming a coin.
(A video will later come.)

The coin is a 1BTC BTCC Titanium Coin with public address:

The Mini Private key is:

I redeemed this coin after experiments to:


After pulling the label, we now have a private key. This is not the standard private key one might expect as exports, Bitcoin core exports, or that a key generator makes (like vanitygen or piper printer).  It is a mini private key which is 22,26, or 30 characters and always starting with the letter 'S'. (Same format used on Casascius coins.)

In order to redeem (sweep) or import, there are several ways.

Using mycelium (which I highly recommend), you can easily import the key or sweep it (probably the method to be used by most).
To sweep it, simply go to settings, then Cold Storage, then either scan a QR Code (you created) or Clipboard (assuming you copied the key to the clipboard).  It really is that simple.

Another method is
Log into your 'legacy' account
Go to import / Export -- click that you understand
Then simply type in / paste the Mini Private Key

Yeah! Simple... So, from this coin redeem, we know BTCC Coins can easily be redeemed and a couple of methods to use.

My next post in this thread will be details on my tests and issues along with the details of the problems I had.  Oh, and some suggestions of tools that can be used.
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