So, I copied that over to /var/www/ and chmod'd it 755 and what do you know: your.miner.ip/miner.php serves up the familiar no-frills cgminer web display. This is nice as you can do instant pool switching and also monitor the hardware error rate. I was getting 8% at 310clock with 623GH/s over a 24 hour period - I'm testing 320 now.
It's worth noting that ducking down to 310 I didn't see a real aggregate change in the poolside hashrate so I'm thinking any additional speed is eaten up by errors. Nonetheless, these additional stats will help me maybe tweak some more of the command line parameters.
6.21% here @ 310 stock clocks. I would OC but my input temp is too warm. Does anyone know how to monitor temps? Is there really no temp sensors on these things?