
Topic: ►►►BtcInv - - Bitcoin Investment - Up to 12.5% daily (Read 2985 times)

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
can you post up a screenshot or something to verify the trading you are doing that generates the income, or some way to verify it is not a ponzi. ir should be easy considering all the different things your company does to get income

Good point. Professional traders and investment managers these days often display their trading activity in such places like or, where you can see every trade and profits generated.
hero member
Activity: 2184
Merit: 513 | Web3 Casino
this is not the right place to post this .you have to move this thread into services section Tongue I don't like playing with Ponzi's hope you will get some investor for your ponzi in gambling section Smiley
full member
Activity: 148
Merit: 100
Got refund and 50% profit. Ty sir. Be early restart your program.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Anyone here got paid? I am interested in and want to invest in a number of btc.
Hey sir, you can check the transaction by clicking on the address on our website.
A change from our program. All deposits in the project will be returned + profit from our capital. There will be a change in the project plan. We will come back in the next few hours with the newer plans.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Anyone here got paid? I am interested in and want to invest in a number of btc.
Hey sir, you can check the transaction by clicking on the address on our website.
full member
Activity: 148
Merit: 100
thanks for idea. We are promote on coinad and bitvisitor.
Np I just want the program to create long-term profits and attract more investors
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
ty sir. keep it running long time.
Do you actually think someone will fall for this or do you just enjoy writing yourself ? Cheesy
No problem with us. Payment has been made daily.
Sure. I am get payment daily. I can verified.
Thank you for submitting your feedback. Perhaps people need time to test my program.
Sure. I invested a small amount 0.05btc and get paid daily. But other investors expect to achieve profitability and confidence from your program. You need time to draw .
P/s: Advertising also a good idea.
thanks for idea. We are promote on coinad and bitvisitor.
full member
Activity: 148
Merit: 100
ty sir. keep it running long time.
Do you actually think someone will fall for this or do you just enjoy writing yourself ? Cheesy
No problem with us. Payment has been made daily.
Sure. I am get payment daily. I can verified.
Thank you for submitting your feedback. Perhaps people need time to test my program.
Sure. I invested a small amount 0.05btc and get paid daily. But other investors expect to achieve profitability and confidence from your program. You need time to draw .
P/s: Advertising also a good idea.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
ty sir. keep it running long time.
Do you actually think someone will fall for this or do you just enjoy writing yourself ? Cheesy
No problem with us. Payment has been made daily.
Sure. I am get payment daily. I can verified.
Thank you for submitting your feedback. Perhaps people need time to test my program.
full member
Activity: 148
Merit: 100
ty sir. keep it running long time.
Do you actually think someone will fall for this or do you just enjoy writing yourself ? Cheesy
No problem with us. Payment has been made daily.
Sure. I am get payment daily. I can verified.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Do you actually think someone will fall for this or do you just enjoy writing yourself ? Cheesy
No problem with us. Payment has been made daily.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Same old shitty ponzi script, they are already DEAD don't fall for this.
The same open source. Our program is paid daily. It is completely different than the other Ponzi
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Do you actually think someone will fall for this or do you just enjoy writing yourself ? Cheesy
You are really confused.
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 1000
Same old shitty ponzi script, they are already DEAD don't fall for this.
Activity: 64
Merit: 10
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes
Do you actually think someone will fall for this or do you just enjoy writing yourself ? Cheesy
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