I have decided to stop offering Proportional Rewards after the next found block because it does not work parallelly to PPS without affecting it negatively. Even worse, it would cause losses if I would not severely cut one of the reward schemes, and thus offer significantly lower value than other pools, what is not what I want to do.
Currently I am calculating the rewards like this:
PROP: [user prop shares] / [total prop shares and pps shares] * 50
PPS: [user pps shares] * 0.000028125
Problem with both reward schemes parrallelly running is that the PPS Queue does not even out after a long round and a short round. In short rounds, which have a higher percentage of prop shares, you save only a bit with what you can feed the queue, but in long rounds, which have way higher share of pps shares, the queue is getting quite big very fast.
I have tried some different calculations but did not get an acceptable result. I dont know how other pools with PPS and PROP calculate the rewards. Maybe they experience the same flaw, maybe not. If someone has a solution for this I would be glad to hear it.
Btw, I have decided to stick to PPS since I am convinced it is the fairest of all reward schemes available. It's not in my interest to lose the hashing boost of pool hoppers, but I want to achieve a steadily increasing hash rate from regular users and not short term 150 GH/s and as soon as a round is near 43% see everyone leave.