1.) DoS resistant
2.) Free Entry
3.) Trustless
4.) Temporal (Monodirectional)
5.) Irrevocable (resistant)
PoW discovered for the first time that we can arrange information along a path of unreproducable work, and in that manner make the information it secures irrevocable without requiring any trusted party. That technology, to this day, has found no replacement.
I disagree, however, with the idea that altcoins damage Bitcoin or the cryptocurrency space in general. Markets naturally cater to multiple feature sets when there is no apparent ideal, as is the case now. Having more experimentation and options is always good for any market that will bear it. The only way altcoins will stop is when a cryptocurrency is found that has no conceivable successor in any niche. So if that outcome is desirable, it's furthered by more innovation, not less of it. If history is any indication, then we know humans are extremely iterative and innovate best in plastic environments.
So I wish you the best of luck, even though I think you're misguided.
I also wanted to make sure I'm not being misunderstood. When I'm pessimist and/or critical about Bitcoin, it's not because I support PoS.
There are also social issues with PoS, the biggest being the unfair advantage given to early members of the community. I can't say for sure if these issues include this project, but It's clear the dessicion to start another block chain was one of the initial mistakes of this project, not having a large enough userbase to be self sufficient became the result.
This coin is already doomed, stop this nonescense already.
Dear cheako,
BTX is all BUT doomed. We have certainly one of the most (if not the most) motivated team in whole crypto.
We have a great ambition and are ready to work hard to achieve our goals.
Now please stay on topic. This is a hiring thread. If you are not interested, please simply move to other threads.
If you want to emit some concerns, simply PM me, as long as it has anything to do with the hiring thread.
The BTX project moves on, regardless of your comment. We are a team looking for solutions, not problems.
P.S.: Our user base is more than self-sufficient. Thank you for your concern. I would recommend you download our wallet before emitting uninformed opinions. Thank you.
BTX project leader