yes, for the timeline we got a new date for our new fiber-optical internet connection for our servers,
which will be the 2.11. so i will have to skip the timeline a few days.
none the less let me continue with the educational part, explaining
the "unification layer"
The unification Layer is a "nonedestructive" tokenlayer. That means the tokenlayer releases tokens by LOCKING coins,
rather than destroying coins. The catch is, instead of attacking coins, developers and communities, we just offer our layer
as an added value to their own functionalities.
We are freeing developers minds, to focus their developments, rather than having to chase
connections to other utility networks, like payment, exchange, and and and.
The unification layer is just an added blockchain layer, that allows any coin or user, to jump onto our payment or FINANCECLOUD API
application layer, and to jump back onto his normal blockchain later.
later implementation will offer value exchange among blockchains to jump across different blockchains and to
serve blockchain functions (like "ethereum smartcontracts for doge coin transactions") in a microservice manner.
If you have questions to this description, you are very welcome. I will answer them on a daily basis.
Further i will post snippets in an easy digestible size, like this current one, every two days from now on,
switching between "completion of the concept" and "providing use case examples."
As soon as the fibre-optic cables are connected we will then progress with the demonstration of the layer,
by connecting EUROPECOIN into this environment.
have fun