What's your prediction for the number of bitcoin bubbles over the next three years? (measured against whatever basket of currencies or assets you like) I based my projections on "feels about right to me."
I'm with evoorhees on the price/value discovery aspect.
As far as bubbles, it depends on the trigger. If there's a spread by word-of-mouth I'd expect a more gradual growth rate, so we might not see any discernible bubbles like the 3,000% jump this year.
From what I gather (feel free to correct me), the slashdot effect (reddit, et al.) seems to have been the major trigger that started the run up. That's a good source of early adopters with technical know-how.
The next trigger will probably be a more usable interface; possibly a functional mobile application. Once that happens, the next rise will likely be much bigger. Any subsequent correction from that should take a longer time to stabilize. Continuing spread of awareness and subsequent waves of new participants ought to bring volatility down.
With mobile usage, I think the Bitcoin economy might grow faster than you'd expect (whether its flexible enough to handle the growth as is remains to be seen). Exogenous shocks from national economies are frightening individuals enough to get them moving into alternatives (gold, Swiss francs, etc). If even a small fraction of that moves into BTCs out of curiosity, the flows could be immense relative to the size of the Bitcoin economy.
I guess it's just hard for me to describe what happened with Bitcoin as a bubble, even though it has the hallmarks. It seems more like naturally exponential growth.
I'm basing my estimation on an assumption of apparent growth so far and what feels right to me in competing factors
2011 (remainder): 0-1
2012: 1-2 (major shock causing 30%+ ranges)
2013: 1-2
2014: 2+
2015: 2+ (weak bubbles; low in magnitude or quick to break)
2016: largely undetectable