I am seeing out budgetary plans to invest exactly $90,000 in bitcoins in 2024. When others are impatient, I usually plan. The plan is to get this from my saving and loan. The action for more savings was kick started last month, it can see me through to the time of the investment when I will stop.
The plan of taking loan is also there, that sum to be invested has to be completed and a business money will be realized. This is awesome and is gonna take me only 2 years to pay my loan comfortably.
The next paragraph of your post looks no less strange. Bitcoin is a risky asset in and of itself, and investing borrowed money doubles the risk.
To get into debt for 2 years, just in order not to miss the upcoming halving? What if something goes wrong and the start of the halving is delayed? In this way, you can definitely change your life as you wish, but these changes may not be what you expect.
Behind every bitcoin success story there is a story of failure, which, most often, is not written about. You need to be careful in the pursuit of repeating the success of others. What you are about to do seems to me an irrational act, for investing borrowed money is recklessness. These are your risks, which you consciously take, as well as your possible profit, and all the consequences will be assigned only to you, and not to me. So, good luck to you if this is your final decision.