Hello all. I'm stuck here and worried that if I don't do it properly, that nothing will work properly so I thought I'd ask.
Where it says "All dependencies must be rebuilt with the above toolchain." do I have to go through the entire process again up until this point but using mingw64?
Or do I only need to type "Configure mingw64" somewhere? If so, where do I type it?
Sorry for the noob question. Any info appreciated.
If you have compiled 32 bit dependencies you should make clean, reconfigure then make them again. If you need both 32 and 64 bit binaries you can use different source folders or better install them in different folders after compilation. Installation folder can be usually specified with --prefix while configuring.
Dear Dev:
Can we arrange a complete version of QT5.3.1??
Qt 5.3.1 works fine, I've just updated the first post.
Dear dev:
I just donated 500 XRP to you, thank you for the tutorial
Thanks! Much appreciated
After compiling a qt wallet, the application stops at startup without displaying any screen nor error message. I've check edon Windows event viewer and I just see an error without any useful message.
What can I do in this case to debug the application ? Any debug tool that I could use ?
Which bitcoin version? Did you get a working daemon executable?