Just a small comment or question, I always used MinGW 4.7.2 (way before you've written this guide) and have now switched to 4.8.1 even and everything is still working fine. So why do you suggest MinGW 4.6? Also I'm using Qt 5.1 currently, which needs MinGW 4.8.1 to successfully compile Qt.
For building LevelDB I use this syntax in MinGW Shell:
cd /c/Users/Diapolo/bitcoin.Qt/src/leveldb
TARGET_OS=NATIVE_WINDOWS make libleveldb.a libmemenv.a
to clean old files before re-building:
It seems when us "Window-ers" go sourceforging for a mingw, all I see is
Download mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe (662.7 kB) at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/latest/download?source=files And that "latest" one that I know about, is 4.6.2? So that is what I use on Windows. Perhaps you are Linux/Unix-ing a Windows version of bitcoind & bitcoin-qt?
Also, as I said, since I don't frequent
http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.1/5.1.0/ I didn't see the July 3rd release of
http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.1/5.1.0/qt-windows-opensource-5.1.0-mingw48_opengl-x86-offline.exe Back in April of this year, the latest I found was
http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/4.8/4.8.4/qt-win-opensource-4.8.4-mingw.exe at
http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/4.8/4.8.4/ and it worked for me, so I stayed with it so far.
I did download Qt creator 5.0.2, at that time, which seemed to be the latest for Windows,
actually it "abouts" as Qt Creator 2.7.0 based on Qt 5.0.2 (32 bit), built Apr 9 2013...
Interestingly, it opens up bitcoin-qt.pro and brings all the files up, etc. But it (Creator) seems to a be real performance dog, just like a Java Eclipse IDE. But I'm spoled by MS IDEs, free and otherwise! They can find all references, global search and replace etc. They just can't compile the code, yet! But that is a story for another day.